Grand Teton Wildlife Connectivity Modeling Postdoctoral Research Associate Position

The University of Montana invites applications for a Grand Teton Wildlife Connectivity Modeling Postdoctoral Research Associate. This two-year postdoctoral project will be conducted through the Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit (U.S. Geological Survey) at the University of Montana (UM) in close collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS), including project partners at Grand Teton National Park (GRTE), the NPS Biological Resources Division, and the NPS Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network. 

This is a 2 year position that will work closely with staff at Grand Teton NP, as well as the National Park Service Biological Resources Division and NPS Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network.

The park’s point of contact for this position is Yvette Converse (, Chief of Science and Resource Management at Grand Teton.