
Contact Info
Institution: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Phone: (702) 895-3269
Address: 4505 Maryland Parkway Life Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154, US
Research Disciplines
Conservation Biology
Statistical Ecology
Population Biology
Research Interests
Quantitative research on population and evolutionary processes impacting plants and animals and applied ecological research on rare and threatened or endangered species. Diverse research interests include: rodents and the spatial organization of desert shrubs; impacts of cougar predation on bighorn sheep and mule deer; evolution and quantitative genetics of insect plasticity and allometry; molecular evolution of DNA sequences; and evolutionary ecology and conservation genetics of endemic montane and desert species.
Title: Life History and Habitat Characterization for Giuliani's Dune Scarab Beetle (Pseudocotalpa Guilianii) and Restoration of Disturbed Beetle Habitat
Funding Agency/Sponsor: U.S. Geological Survey Grant ID: 70119186
Start Date: 2019-04-22 End Date: 2022-04-21
Total Funding: $207,782.00 Status: Funded - In Progress
Title: Assessment of Desert Bighorn Sheep on Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada: Phase 1
Funding Agency/Sponsor: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Grant ID: 70110604
Start Date: 2010-05-01 End Date: 2014-12-31
Total Funding: $211,718.00
1979 B.S. Zoology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
1986 Ph.D. Ecology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
1986 - 1990 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 1990 - present Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas2002 College of Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Recipient of 12 research grants, totaling more than $1.7 million, from a variety of federal funding agencies (NSF, USGS, USFS, USFWS, NPS, and BLM), published more than 28 peer-reviewed research articles, often with collaborators from a variety of disciplines, and contributed more than 45 conference presentations, posters, and invited seminars.
Research advisor for 3 Ph.D. and 10 M.S. students who have gone on to positions at University of Florida, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Touro University, Nevada Department of Wildlife, and other environmental employers. Mentored more than 48 undergraduate students, including 3 Honors Thesis students, and served as graduate committee member for 28 PhD students and 24 MS students within Life Sciences, UNLV.
1979 B.S. Zoology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
1986 Ph.D. Ecology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ