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projects_ID | Project | projects_post_content | Institution | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Awarded Amount | Start Date | End Date |
projects_ID | Project | projects_post_content | Institution | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Awarded Amount | Start Date | End Date |
7,973 | Carson wandering skipper recovery research | University of Nevada, Reno | Forister, Matthew | USFWS | 39,493 | 09/01/2020 | 05/31/2023 | |
7,974 | Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) use for Monitoring Peirson's Milk-vetch in the Imperial Sand Dune Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | Nussear, Kenneth | BLM | 72,104 | 01/01/2020 | 12/31/2022 | |
7,975 | Wild LCT Population Monitoring: Genetic Evaluation of LCT Recovery in the Truckee River California/Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 75,000 | 10/25/2019 | 09/30/2021 | |
7,976 | Developing a science-based framework to inform common raven management | University of Nevada, Reno | Williams, Perry | USFWS | 143,231 | 10/10/2019 | 12/31/2022 | |
7,977 | Identifying Perennial Species for Restoration to Establishing Native Plant Communities | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | BLM | 49,999 | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2022 | |
7,978 | Native seed collection to find plants with broad environmental tolerance to use for wildlife habitat restoration | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | USFWS | 111,477 | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2021 | |
7,979 | Multi-scale assessment of wildlife response after juniper removal in a sagebrush steppe landscape | University of Idaho | Johnson, Tracey | USFWS | 199,417 | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2021 | |
7,980 | Mohave Ground Squirrel Genome | University of Nevada, Reno | Matocq, Marjorie | DOD | 30,000 | 09/28/2019 | 09/27/2020 | |
7,981 | Lahontan National Fish Hatchery (LNFH): Genetic Assessment of Pilot Peak Broodstock 2019-2020 | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 48,117 | 09/25/2019 | 09/30/2021 | |
7,982 | Evaluating metagenomic methods for rapid assessment of biocrust responses to fire | Brigham Young University | Leavitt, Steve | USGS | 10,105 | 09/15/2019 | 12/31/2021 | |
7,983 | Effect of Exotic Forage on Mojave Desert Tortoise-Biomarker Panel | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | van Breukelen, Frank | USGS | 17,625 | 09/15/2019 | 09/14/2023 | |
7,984 | Spatial modeling of desert tortoise habitat in the Mojave Desert | University of Nevada, Reno | Nussear, Kenneth | USGS | 20,000 | 09/15/2019 | 09/14/2020 | |
7,985 | Archeological Inventory and Condition Assessments at Channel Islands National Park to Address Vulnerabilities | University of Nevada, Reno | Jazwa, Christopher S. | NPS | 23,264 | 09/15/2019 | 06/30/2022 | |
7,986 | Evaulating effects of altered plant diets by analyzing the gastrointestinal/fecal microbiome (lineages and community diversity) present in the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and other wildlife | University of Nevada, Reno | Matocq, Marjorie | USGS | 32,977 | 09/15/2019 | 09/14/2021 | |
7,987 | Development of a statistical adaptive monitoring framework for sea otters in southeastern Alaska | University of Nevada, Reno | Williams, Perry | USFWS | 110,577 | 09/01/2019 | 12/31/2020 | |
7,988 | Hydroclimatic History of South-Central Alaska | Idaho State University | Finney, Bruce P. | USGS | 20,000 | 08/15/2019 | 08/14/2020 | |
7,989 | Mount Charleston Blue Butterfly Status Surveys | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Thompson, Daniel | USFWS | 75,000 | 07/01/2019 | 03/31/2022 | |
7,990 | Genomic and biogeographic analysis of Mycoplasma agassizii and Mycoplasma testudineum, two pathogens endangering the desert tortoise | University of Nevada, Reno | Tracy, Richard | USFWS | 122,507 | 05/01/2019 | 01/31/2021 | |
7,991 | Life History and Habitat Characterization for Giuliani's Dune Scarab Beetle (Pseudocotalpa Guilianii) and Restoration of Disturbed Beetle Habitat | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Thompson, Daniel | USGS | 207,782 | 04/22/2019 | 04/21/2022 | |
7,992 | Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Ecosystems at Multiple Spatial Scales | Idaho State University | Delehanty, David J. | USGS | 282,000 | 03/18/2019 | 03/17/2021 | |
7,993 | Monitoring of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in Pyramid Lake | Utah State University | Budy, Phaedra | USFWS | 55,000 | 03/01/2019 | 02/28/2024 | |
7,994 | Vaccinating the Relict Leopard Frog: An Effort to Inform Management Strategy | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Jaeger, Jef | USFWS | 80,000 | 03/01/2019 | 12/31/2021 | |
7,995 | Using Plant Genetics to Improve Range Restoration | University of Nevada, Reno | Thomas Parchman | BLM | 209,746 | 02/15/2019 | 02/14/2022 | |
7,996 | Hawksy Walksy Valley Archaeological and Paleoenvironmental Research | University of Nevada, Reno | Geoffrey Smith | BLM | 44,000 | 02/04/2019 | 05/31/2021 | |
7,997 | Spatially explicit state and transition modeling for rangeland conservation planning | University of Nevada, Reno | Stringham, Tamzen | USFWS | 316,738 | 02/01/2019 | 12/31/2020 | |
7,998 | Riparian Habitat Tool for Priority Species in Nevada | Desert Research Institute | Huntington, Justin | USFWS | 94,796 | 10/01/2018 | 09/30/2021 | |
7,999 | Enhancing Rangeland Science Delivery in the Northern Great Basin | Oregon State University | Bohnert, David | ARS | 900,000 | 09/30/2018 | 09/30/2023 | |
8,000 | BLM-NOC Socio-Economic and Fiscal Impact Assessment Study of Nevada Communities | University of Nevada, Reno | Borden, Buddy | BLM | 335,000 | 09/25/2018 | 09/24/2021 | |
8,001 | Greater Sage-Grouse Ecology and Habitat Mapping in Nevada: A Proposed Study to Coordinate with Ongoing Research in Evaluating Sage-Groust Populations in NV | Idaho State University | Delehanty, David J. | USGS | 450,000 | 09/25/2018 | 09/24/2017 | |
8,002 | An Assessment of Bee Populations and Regional Pollinator Diversity at Pinnacles National Park | Utah State University | Evans, Ted | NPS | 59,460 | 09/21/2018 | 09/14/2023 | |
8,003 | Living with Fire Campaign | University of Nevada, Reno | Christina Restaino | BLM | 266,527 | 09/18/2018 | 09/18/2021 | |
8,004 | Climatological, Meteorological, and Smoke Decision Support Information for Prescribed Burning Operations and Wildland Fire Management in California and Nevada | Desert Research Institute | Brown, Tim | NPS | 49,218 | 09/05/2018 | 11/30/2019 | |
8,005 | Intermediate-range Climate Forecasting to Support Snowpack Modeling in the Sierra Nevada | Boise State University | Flores, Alejandro Nicolas | USBR | 117,444 | 07/31/2018 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,006 | Grazing land ecohydrology and soil erosion class development | University of Nevada, Reno | Arslan, Awadis | NRCS | 24,447 | 02/12/2018 | 09/27/2020 | |
8,007 | Seed production of Great Basin native forbs --- Stable, efficient native forb seed production using small amounts of supplemental irrigation water; and seeding practices. Seed production of bluebunch wheatgrass. | Oregon State University | Shock, Clinton | USFS | 145,000 | 01/19/2018 | 09/01/2020 | |
8,008 | Conservation Genetics of the Relict Leopard Frog | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Jaeger, Jef | NPS | 68,582 | 09/21/2017 | 09/25/2020 | |
8,009 | Adaptive Management Monitoring | Boise State University | Glenn, Nancy | DOD | 72,089 | 09/18/2017 | 09/17/2019 | |
8,010 | Technical Assistance in Climate Monitoring Operations and Data Management for the Mojave Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program | Desert Research Institute | Simeral, David | NPS | 141,649 | 09/08/2017 | 11/30/2021 | |
8,011 | Conservation of Special Status Species: An evaluation of primary threats to sage-grouse in the Great Basin | Oregon State University | Hagen, Christian | BLM | 358,500 | 09/08/2017 | 09/07/2022 | |
8,012 | Responses of Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush to Vegetation Treatments and Disturbance in the Owyhee Uplands | Boise State University | Forbey, Jennifer | BLM | 34,000 | 09/07/2017 | 09/30/2022 | |
8,013 | Identification and Enumeration of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to Support Long-term Monitoring of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities in National Park Service Units of the Mojave Desert Network | Utah State University | Miller, Scott | NPS | 49,526 | 09/01/2017 | 09/01/2022 | |
8,014 | Evaluating Restoration Treatments on DOI Lands in Southwestern Hot Deserts | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | USGS | 60,000 | 09/01/2017 | 06/30/2020 | |
8,015 | BLM Idaho/Oregon, Remote Wildfire Detection and Monitoring Systems-Supplement | University of Nevada, Reno | Kent, Graham | BLM | 1,340,000 | 08/31/2017 | 09/30/2022 | |
8,016 | Assessing the wildlife community response to pinyon and juniper removal in the Vya region | University of Nevada, Reno | Shoemaker, Kevin | BLM | 70,000 | 08/10/2017 | 08/11/2022 | |
8,017 | Golden Eagle Movement Analysis and Northwest Great Plains Conservation Strategy | University of Nevada, Reno | Hayes, Jack | USFWS | 109,983 | 07/31/2017 | 09/30/2022 | |
8,018 | BLM-NV Cultural and Paleontological Resources Assistance | Desert Research Institute | Rhode, Dave | BLM | 51,000 | 07/21/2017 | 07/21/2017 | |
8,019 | Modeling the Impacts of Sub-seasonal Environmental Variability on Devils Hole | Desert Research Institute | Hausner, Mark B. | NPS | 66,243 | 07/01/2017 | 12/31/2018 | |
8,020 | Wild LCT Population Monitoring: Genetic Evaluation of LCT Recovery in the Truckee River, California/ Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | Hayes, Jack | USFWS | 93,171 | 07/01/2017 | 06/30/2018 | |
8,021 | Assistance Agreement with Boise State University's Intermountain Bird Observatory to Support IBCP Coordinator Position and Lucky Peak Migration Study | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | USFWS | 10,000 | 06/13/2017 | 09/30/2018 | |
8,022 | Next Generation Servicewide Interpretive Database | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Barrie, Elizabeth | NPS | 45,235 | 05/11/2017 | 09/30/2018 | |
8,023 | Conservation Assessments and Strategies for Western Golden Eagles | Boise State University | Heath, Julie A | USFWS | 50,963 | 05/10/2017 | 05/09/2020 | |
8,024 | BLM Idaho Statewide Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | BLM | 480,000 | 04/13/2017 | 04/30/2022 | |
8,025 | Assessments Of Impacts Of Feral Horses And Livestock Grazing On Sage-grouse And Their Habitats: Long-term Trends In Sage- Grouse Demography And Habitats On The Sheldon Nwr Complex | University of Nevada, Reno | Sedinger, James | USFWS | 115,000 | 12/20/2016 | 09/30/2021 | |
8,026 | Proposal to determine if Eriogonum soredium is a genetically distinct species from E. shockleyi | Utah State University | Wolf, Paul | USFWS | 13,985 | 12/13/2016 | 12/21/2018 | |
8,027 | Assessing Survival/Bran | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 8,609 | 10/01/2016 | |||
8,028 | Measuring the regional impacts of pinyon and juniper removal on insect, bat, and reptile communities | University of Nevada, Reno | Shoemaker, Kevin | USFWS | 199,587 | 10/01/2016 | 05/31/2021 | |
8,029 | Great Basin Fire Exchange | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | BLM | 957,198 | 09/21/2016 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,030 | Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (GB CESU) | University of Nevada, Reno | Itani, Ahmad | NPS | 45,400 | 09/20/2016 | 09/19/2021 | |
8,031 | Testing Citizen Science Methods to Measure Stream Velocity | University of Idaho | Budwig, Ralph S. | USGS | 6,600 | 09/15/2016 | 12/15/2016 | |
8,032 | Economical Measurement System for Widespread Use in Wind Erosion and Air Quality Applications | Desert Research Institute | Gillies, John A. | USGS | 61,350 | 09/15/2016 | 12/14/2018 | |
8,033 | Investigating Seed Enhancements for Improving Establishment of Native Grasses in Great Basin National Park | Brigham Young University | Madsen, Matthew | NPS | 122,333 | 09/12/2016 | 12/31/2019 | |
8,034 | Analysis of Stable Isotopes in Selected Lake Mead Springs | Desert Research Institute | Pohlmann, Karl | NPS | 24,533 | 09/01/2016 | 07/28/2017 | |
8,035 | Climate Monitoring and Data Management for the Pacific Island Inventory & Monitoring Network | Desert Research Institute | Simeral, David | NPS | 282,490 | 08/29/2016 | 08/15/2021 | |
8,036 | Supporting the National Seed Strategy with Research and Technical Support | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | BLM | 490,000 | 08/29/2016 | 08/29/2021 | |
8,037 | Habitat Modeling of Rare Plant Species in the Intermountain West | Utah State University | Evans, Edward | USGS | 204,811 | 08/22/2016 | 06/19/2021 | |
8,039 | Radiometric Dating of Volcanic Rocks in the John Day Basin | Boise State University | Schmitz, Mark | NPS | 55,880 | 08/15/2016 | 08/14/2022 | |
8,040 | Effect of Chytrid Fungus on Relict Leopard Frogs | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Jaeger, Jef | BLM | 78,000 | 08/12/2016 | 08/12/2021 | |
8,041 | State and Transition Models and Ecological Site Descriptions Development | University of Nevada, Reno | Stringham, Tamzen | BLM | 1,200,328 | 08/10/2016 | 08/09/2021 | |
8,042 | Nevada Creeks & Communities Educational & Technical Program | University of Nevada, Reno | Swanson, Sherm | BLM | 157,000 | 08/05/2016 | 08/05/2021 | |
8,043 | Adventure Outdoor Recreation History and Management in Grand Teton National Park | Idaho State University | Youngs, Yolonda | NPS | 40,030 | 07/22/2016 | 02/15/2020 | |
8,044 | Do Western Bat Species Possess Natrual Defenses To White Nose Syndrome? Using the skin/fur Microbiome to Identify Potential B Iocontrol | University of Nevada, Reno | Jamie Voyles-Ensor | NPS | 5,110 | 07/16/2016 | 06/30/2018 | |
8,046 | SW EPMT-UNLV Collaborative Restoration Projects for Glen Canyon NRA and Tuzigoot NM | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | NPS | 34,009 | 07/15/2016 | 12/31/2019 | |
8,047 | Western Monarch And Milkweed Habitat Suitability Model | University of Nevada, Reno | Forister, Matthew | USFWS | 25,000 | 07/14/2016 | 10/25/2017 | |
8,048 | IBCP Coordinator Position and the Lucky Peak Migration Study | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | USFWS | 10,000 | 07/02/2016 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,049 | A Chronological Inventory and Review of Management Practices at Devils Hole to Support Development of a Strategic Plan | Desert Research Institute | Hausner, Mark B. | NPS | 20,436 | 06/15/2016 | 03/31/2017 | |
8,050 | Advanced Interpretation of Avian Biotelemetry Data | Boise State University | Belthoff, James R | USGS | 85,000 | 05/01/2016 | 04/30/2020 | |
8,051 | Golden Eagle Research | Boise State University | Heath, Julie A | USFWS | 120,007 | 04/18/2016 | 04/15/2019 | |
8,052 | Pollinators of the endangered Dwarf Bear Poppy Arctomecon humilis: An intensive survey of four populations in Washington Co. Utah | Utah State University | Tepedino, Vincent | USFWS | 18,507 | 04/01/2016 | 12/31/2017 | |
8,053 | Ash Meadows Amargosa Pupfish Cyprinodon Nevadensis Mionectes Genetic Effectiveness Monitoring Project | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 29,999 | 02/10/2016 | 12/30/2017 | |
8,055 | Population Dynamics/Brant | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 60,727 | 12/21/2015 | |||
8,058 | Assessing Survival and Productivity of Black Brant from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta and Artic Breeding Areas | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 70,301 | 12/21/2015 | 02/28/2017 | ||
8,060 | UNR Herbarium | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | USFWS | 76,850 | 12/14/2015 | 12/31/2018 | |
8,061 | Wild LCT Population Monitoring: Genetic Evaluation | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 30,000 | 11/10/2015 | 12/30/2019 | |
8,062 | Fish Slough Milk-vetch Population Genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | Forister, Matthew | USFWS | 17,999 | 10/01/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,063 | Genetic Diversity, Distribution Modeling & Soil Seed Bank Density Studies On Endangered Ivesia Webberi Gray | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 18,001 | 10/01/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,064 | Fire History & Climate Change in Old-Growth Ponderosa Pine Habitats of the Sheep Range, Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | Biondi, Franco | USFWS | 84,909 | 09/22/2015 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,065 | Adaptive Management Monitoring | Boise State University | Spaete, Lucas | DOD | 107,000 | 09/16/2015 | 12/31/2017 | |
8,066 | Assess atmospheric transport trajectories and variation in the wet deposition of mercury across Alaska | Desert Research Institute | Moore, Chris | NPS | 30,000 | 09/15/2015 | 12/30/2016 | |
8,067 | Demography Of Bhs | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 51,376 | 09/14/2015 | |||
8,069 | Population Trends of Adult Quagga Mussels, Dreissena bugensis, Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | Chandra, Sudeep | NPS | 24,990 | 09/10/2015 | 09/30/2016 | |
8,070 | Cattle & Wild Horse Management Effects on Sage- Grouse Late Brood Rearing Habitats | University of Nevada, Reno | Swanson, Sherm | USFS | 92,060 | 09/08/2015 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,071 | Digital and GIS Mapping of Carnegie Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument | Brigham Young University | Britt, Brooks B. | NPS | 18,448 | 09/01/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,072 | Desert Meadow Restoration and Response of Mule Deer in Mojave National Preserve | University of Nevada, Reno | Stewart, Kelley | NPS | 21,988 | 09/01/2015 | 12/31/2017 | |
8,073 | Enhancing the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) | Boise State University | Freemuth, John | NPS | 39,951 | 09/01/2015 | 09/30/2016 | |
8,074 | North American Temperate Grassland Conservation Assessment | Boise State University | Freemuth, John | USFWS | 70,000 | 09/01/2015 | 08/31/2016 | |
8,075 | Research and Data Collection to Evaluate GAP Data Systems and Other National Data , and Determine Highest Priority Analyses | Boise State University | Davidson, Anne | USGS | 2,693,237 | 09/01/2015 | 08/31/2020 | |
8,077 | Technical Assistance for UNR Herbarium | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | USFWS | 73,525 | 08/26/2015 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,078 | Accelerating Restoration of Ecological Functions of Soils and Vegetation on Disturbed Lands in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | BLM | 500,000 | 08/24/2015 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,079 | Improvement of Forb Seedling Establishment to Diversify Reangeland Revegetation Effort in the Great Basin | Utah State University | Hulvey, Kristin | NRCS | 22,000 | 08/15/2015 | 09/30/2016 | |
8,080 | Perry Canyon Creek Acid Mine Drainage Remediation | University of Nevada, Reno | Mccoy, Scott | BLM | 565,000 | 08/12/2015 | 08/12/2021 | |
8,081 | Analyze Interaction Among Elevation And Temperature In Alaska National Parks | University of Nevada, Reno | Mcafee, Stephanie | NPS | 81,000 | 08/01/2015 | 07/31/2020 | |
8,082 | SW EPMT Collaborative Restoration Projects for Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pecos NHS | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | NPS | 30,000 | 08/01/2015 | 08/01/2020 | |
8,083 | Estimation Of Plant Height Using Photogrammetrically Derived Point Clouds | Utah State University | Ramsey, Douglas | NRCS | 13,917 | 07/30/2015 | 09/30/2016 | |
8,084 | Crater Lake National Park: Newt Conservaiton and Invasive Crayfish Management Science Revision Panel | University of Nevada, Reno | Chandra, Sudeep | USGS | 15,000 | 07/15/2015 | 07/14/2016 | |
8,085 | Evaluating Mathematical Visualization and modeling Approcahes for Use in Montoring and Forescasting the Spread of Newly-Invasive Species | Boise State University | Champion, Joe | USGS | 40,000 | 07/15/2015 | 07/14/2017 | |
8,086 | Enhancing Sustainable Habitat Restoration Utilizing Management Focused research: The Desatoya Mountain Project | University of Nevada, Reno | Stringham, Tamzen | BLM | 692,999 | 07/08/2015 | 07/08/2020 | |
8,087 | Lepideum Papilliferum HIP Monitoring Data Statistical Analysis | Boise State University | Bond, Laura | USFWS | 24,821 | 07/01/2015 | 04/30/2017 | |
8,088 | Geospatial Modeling of Species and Landscapes in the Desert Southwest | University of Nevada, Reno | Boyle, Douglas | USGS | 34,988 | 06/26/2015 | 06/25/2018 | |
8,089 | Evacuation - corridor Modeling for Tsnunami Hazards in the Pacific Northwest | University of Idaho | Frazier, Tim | USGS | 11,750 | 06/01/2015 | 05/31/2016 | |
8,090 | Drought Montiroing and Fellow Field Tracking Through Cloud Computing of Lnadsat, MODIS and GIS Climate Data Archives | Desert Research Institute | USGS | 269,746 | 06/01/2015 | 09/30/2017 | ||
8,091 | Genetic Assessment Of LCT Broodstock | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 133,099 | 04/20/2015 | 12/30/2019 | |
8,092 | Perennial Grass Response to Post-Fire Grazing Management in Great Basin | Utah State University | USGS | 97,873 | 04/01/2015 | 09/30/2020 | ||
8,093 | Golden Eagle Dietary Responses in Relation to Habitat Alteration and Climate Change in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey NCA Year 2 | Boise State University | Heath, Julie A | USFWS | 106,887 | 03/15/2015 | 09/30/2020 | |
8,094 | Intermediate-range Climate Forecasting to Support Water Supply and Flood Control with a Regionally Focused Mesoscale | Boise State University | Flores, Alejandro Nicolas | USBR | 148,605 | 03/05/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,095 | Determining the Influence of a Predaceous Diving Beetle (Neoclypeodytes cinctellus) on the Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) and its Prey | University of Nevada, Reno | Chandra, Sudeep | NPS | 25,636 | 03/01/2015 | 07/30/2017 | |
8,097 | Understanding Native Cultural Dimensions of Climate Change in the Great Basin | Oregon State University | Mote, Philip | USFWS | 50,000 | 02/11/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,098 | Long Term Trends In Sage grouse Demography & Habitats On The Sheldon-hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex & Adjacent Blm Lands:assess Impacts Of Feral Horses&livestock Graz | University of Nevada, Reno | Weisberg, Peter | USFWS | 35,485 | 01/01/2015 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,099 | Landscape Connectivity Of A Sagebrush Obligate: Functional Continuity Of Habitat For The Pygmy Rabbit | University of Nevada, Reno | Matocq, Marjorie | USFWS | 250,665 | 01/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | |
8,100 | Analysis of GSM Telemetry Data from Golden Eagles | Boise State University | Belthoff, James R | USGS | 82,578 | 12/15/2014 | 12/31/2017 | |
8,101 | Research To Enhance Restoration Of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Through Improved Production And Establishment Of Critic Al Native Plants Species | University of Nevada, Reno | Payne, William | USFWS | 408,716 | 11/10/2014 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,102 | USFWS Support for the IBCP Coordinator Position, the Lucky Peak migration study | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | USFWS | 40,000 | 10/01/2014 | 09/30/2018 | |
8,103 | NLCS-NM-Craters of the Moon-Migratory Landbird and Raptor Surveys | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | BLM | 155,000 | 09/19/2014 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,104 | Winter's Ranch Resource Inventory & Investigations Management Planning For Winter's Ranch Resource Inventory And Investigations | University of Nevada, Reno | Stringham, Tamzen | BLM | 210,100 | 09/18/2014 | 09/17/2019 | |
8,105 | Analysis and Modeling of Golden Eagle Diets in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area | Boise State University | Heath, Julie A | BLM | 124,875 | 09/08/2014 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,106 | Limnological & Riparian Resource Condition Assessment of Lake Mead National Park Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | Chandra, Sudeep | NPS | 66,297 | 09/01/2014 | 09/30/2018 | |
8,107 | Genetic Effectiveness Monitoring Of Restoration Activities For Moapa Dace | University of Nevada, Reno | Peacock, Mary | USFWS | 88,966 | 09/01/2014 | 12/30/2019 | |
8,108 | Assess/feral Horses &livestock Grazing On Sage-grouse&habitats: Long Term-trends In Sage-grouse Demography & Habitats On The Sheldon-hart Mntn Natl Wildlife Refuge Complex&adjacent Blm Land | University of Nevada, Reno | Sedinger, James | BLM | 145,000 | 08/26/2014 | 08/31/2019 | |
8,109 | Seed Increase of Great Basin Native Forbs and Grasses for Restoration Research Projects | Oregon State University | Shock, Clinton | USFS | 130,500 | 08/22/2014 | 07/30/2018 | |
8,110 | Bird Survey Work on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Land | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | DOD | 22,000 | 08/04/2014 | 02/03/2016 | |
8,111 | Changes to Watershed Vulnerability under Future Climate, Fire Regimes, and Population Pressures | Boise State University | Lowe, Scott Elliot | USGS | 26,440 | 08/01/2014 | 07/31/2017 | |
8,112 | US Protected Areas Data Aggregation and Analyses to Inform Critical Conservation and Land Management Decisions: Federal Lands Data Management System | Boise State University | Freemuth, John | USGS | 315,113 | 08/01/2014 | 09/30/2016 | |
8,113 | US protected areas data aggregation and analyses to inform critical conservation and land management decisions: Gap Analysis Program | Boise State University | Freemuth, John | USGS | 400,476 | 08/01/2014 | 12/30/2016 | |
8,114 | Snake River Birds of Prey Remote Sensing Project | Boise State University | Glenn, Nancy | BLM | 69,460 | 07/16/2014 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,115 | Arizona, Relict Leopard Frog Conservation Implementation | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Jaeger, Jef | BLM | 45,000 | 07/14/2014 | 07/13/2019 | |
8,116 | Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Great Basin: A Policy Perspective on Resource Managers and the Use of Science in Decision Making | Oregon State University | Mote, Philip | USGS | 107,335 | 07/01/2014 | 01/31/2017 | |
8,117 | Research On Golden Eagle Ecology In The U.s. Deserts (Mojave, Great Basin, And Sonoran) | University of Nevada, Reno | Hayes, Jack | USFWS | 672,868 | 06/15/2014 | 12/31/2018 | |
8,118 | Museum Samples of LCT | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 30,294 | 06/06/2014 | |||
8,119 | Assessment of Long-billed Curlew Reproductive Success and Behavior in Relation to Variation in Habitat, Predation Risk, and Disturbance | Boise State University | Carlisle, Jay | BLM | 355,500 | 03/14/2014 | 09/30/2019 | |
8,120 | Analysis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Seedlings of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Following Transplant | Boise State University | Serpe, Marcelo | USFS | 43,872 | 12/11/2013 | 07/30/2018 | |
8,121 | Central Great Basin Rapid Ecological Assessment Review Team | University of Nevada, Reno | Gautam, Mridul | BLM | 50,000 | 09/13/2013 | 09/13/2018 | |
8,122 | Managing Federal Lands and Human Health: Preventing Human Exposure to Carcinogenic Minerals in Southern Nevada | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Buck, Brenda | BLM | 160,000 | 09/09/2013 | 09/09/2018 | |
8,123 | Golden Eagle Research | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 200,915 | 09/01/2013 | |||
8,124 | Phantom Gas Field: Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Social Attraction and Site Use by Imperiled Sagebrush Birds | Boise State University | Barber, Jesse R | NPS | 94,760 | 08/28/2013 | 03/31/2016 | |
8,125 | US Protected Areas Data Aggregation and Analyses to Inform Critical Conservation and Land Management Decisions | Boise State University | Freemuth, John | USGS | 280,769 | 08/15/2013 | 08/14/2015 | |
8,126 | Brush Rabbit Genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 71,040 | 08/05/2013 | |||
8,127 | Understanding The Causes & Consequences Of Cheatgrass Die-offs In The Great Basin | University of Nevada, Reno | Leger, Elizabeth | USFWS | 48,220 | 07/22/2013 | 09/30/2018 | |
8,128 | Montane Microclimates | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 20,995 | 07/18/2013 | |||
8,129 | Data Recovery, Studies and Analysis From Archaeological Site Ls-1, Lakeview District | University of Nevada, Reno | Smith, Geoffrey | BLM | 29,849 | 06/18/2013 | 06/17/2018 | |
8,130 | LCT Restor/Tahoe Basin | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 159,359 | 06/14/2013 | |||
8,131 | Desert Tortise Monitor | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 15,226 | 05/06/2013 | |||
8,132 | Long Term Trends In Sage Grouse Demography & Habitats On The Sheldon-hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex & Adjacent Blm Lands: An Opportunity To Assess Impacts Of Feral Horses&livestock Gra | University of Nevada, Reno | Weisberg, Peter | USFWS | 132,500 | 04/01/2013 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,133 | Anaho Invasive Species | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 8,700 | 01/01/2013 | |||
8,134 | Movement PAT/Mopa Dace | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 21,223 | 09/26/2012 | |||
8,135 | Impacts of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Plant-Soil Feedbacks in Cheatgrass Dominated Ecosystems of the Intermountain West | Boise State University | De Graaff, Marie-Anne | BLM | 4,995 | 09/24/2012 | 09/30/2017 | |
8,136 | Genetic Monitoring LCT | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 28,117 | 09/13/2012 | |||
8,137 | Cultural Resource Survey In Black Rock Desert High Canyon Emigrant Trails NCA And Wilderness Areas | University of Nevada, Reno | White, Carolyn | BLM | 116,485 | 08/27/2012 | 08/27/2017 | |
8,138 | Ecological Site Descrip | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 277,770 | 08/16/2012 | |||
8,139 | Hidden Cave Video | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 20,000 | 06/30/2012 | |||
8,140 | Climate & Avian Demgrph | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 19,998 | 06/01/2012 | |||
8,141 | Joshua Tree Plants | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 91,793 | 09/15/2011 | |||
8,142 | Riparian Service Team | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 47,916 | 09/08/2011 | |||
8,143 | Genetic Analysis of Native and Introduced Populations of Medusahead (Taeniatherum Caput-Medusae) | Boise State University | Novak, Stephen J | BLM | 14,625 | 09/07/2011 | 09/06/2016 | |
8,144 | Radiometric Dating of Volcanic Rocks in the John Day Basin | Boise State University | Schmitz, Mark | NPS | 30,977 | 09/01/2011 | 09/01/2016 | |
8,145 | Mohave BLM Genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 90,480 | 09/01/2011 | |||
8,146 | Crater Lake Clarity | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 10,018 | 08/22/2011 | |||
8,147 | Vegetal Map Wildlife | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 104,650 | 07/01/2011 | |||
8,148 | CABNR Student Work | University of Nevada, Reno | NRCS | 20,000 | 05/23/2011 | |||
8,149 | Aquifer Characteristic | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 23,665 | 05/03/2011 | |||
8,150 | Moapa Dace Genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 29,584 | 02/01/2011 | |||
8,151 | Assessing the Dietary Quality of Sagebrush in Sage-Grouse Winter and Breeding Habitats | Boise State University | Forbey, Jennifer | USFWS | 157,929 | 12/21/2010 | 08/30/2016 | |
8,152 | Lake Mead Benthic Quagga | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 67,524 | 12/10/2010 | |||
8,153 | E&E Dis Mojave Tortois | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 629,304 | 02/01/2010 | |||
8,154 | Spring Grazing Sage Grouse | University of Idaho | Conway, Courtney J | USGS | 1,745,100 | 06/26/2015 | ||
8,155 | Dynamic Landscape Response | University of Idaho | Johnson, Tracey | BLM | 446,000 | 09/21/2016 | ||
8,156 | Recreation Use Planning | University of Idaho | Paveglio, Travis B | BLM | 20,000 | 10/01/2019 | ||
8,157 | Fire Effects of Pinus Pond | University of Idaho | Smith, Alistair | BLM | 23,458 | 01/07/2020 | ||
8,158 | Burrowing Owl, Kirtland AFB | University of Idaho | Conway, Courtney J | DOD | 237,204 | 09/30/2017 | ||
8,159 | Sage Grouse Demographic Traits | University of Idaho | Conway, Courtney J | USFWS | 100,001 | 10/01/2016 | ||
8,160 | Experimental Mesocale Products for Fire Weather | Desert Research Institute | Timothy Brown | BLM | 27,000 | 08/06/2017 | 08/17/2022 | |
8,161 | Invasive Plant Treatments for Enhancing Native Plant Conservation and Habitat Management | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Scott Abella | BLM | 98,438 | 09/10/2020 | 09/30/2023 | |
8,162 | Monitoring Bat Activity, Movement, and Habitat Selection in Response to Juniper Removal Treatments in the Vya Region | University of Nevada, Reno | Kevin Shoemaker | BLM | 49,931 | 09/21/2020 | 05/31/2023 | |
8,163 | Managing Milkweeds for Monarch Butterflies | University of Nevada, Reno | Elizabeth Pringle | BLM | 20,520 | 09/21/2020 | 08/31/2023 | |
8,164 | Uncovering the Function and Role of Meadow Vegetation on Greater Sage-Grouse Population Declines | University of Nevada, Reno | Perry Williams | BLM | 195,720 | 09/22/2020 | 09/30/2023 | |
8,374 | A Quantitative Multi-Tracer Test of Stream Loss from Snake Creek within Great Basin National Park | University of Utah | Solomon, Douglass K. | NPS | 34,389 | 07/30/2020 | 09/30/2021 | |
8,375 | Technical Assistance with Vegetation Data to Access Treatment Success of Sagebrush Restoration Efforts at Great Basin National Park | University of Nevada, Reno | Stringham, Tamzen | NPS | 18,984 | 07/01/2020 | 09/01/2021 | |
8,376 | Assessing Ecosystem and Population Dynamics to Determine the Primary Drivers of Devils Hold Pupfish Population Trends | Desert Research Institute | Hausner, Mark B. | NPS | 45,893 | 09/15/2020 | 12/31/2022 | |
8,377 | Technical Assistance in Climate Monitoring Operations and Data Management for the Mojave Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program | Desert Research Institute | Simeral, David | NPS | 98,947 | 09/08/2017 | 09/07/2022 | |
8,378 | Raptor Inventory, Monitoring, and Outreach Support for Utah BLM | Hawkwatch International | Slater, Steve | BLM | 75,000 | 10/15/2020 | 10/14/2025 | |
11,539 | SW EPMT Collaborative Restoration Projects for Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pecos NHS | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | NPS | 11,000 | 08/01/2015 | 05/03/2020 | |
11,540 | SW EPMT Collaborative Restoration Projects for Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pecos NHS | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | NPS | 67,838 | 08/01/2015 | 03/31/2018 | |
11,541 | SW EPMT-UNLV Collaborative Restoration Projects for Glen Canyon NRA and Tuzigoot NM | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | NPS | 25,000 | 07/15/2016 | 12/31/2020 | |
11,542 | SW EPMT-UNLV Collaborative Restoration Projects for Glen Canyon NRA and Tuzigoot NM | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | NPS | 47,000 | 07/15/2016 | 09/30/2018 | |
11,543 | Mojave Desert Inventories (Flora and Ecological Restoration of Mojave Desert Ecosystems in Gold Butte National Monument and Southern Nevada) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | BLM | 29,768 | 07/20/2017 | 07/20/2022 | |
11,544 | Mojave Desert Inventories (Developing Long Term Plots for Mojave Desert Shrubs to Assess Growth and Seed Production) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Devitt, Dale | BLM | 115,000 | 07/20/2017 | 07/20/2022 | |
11,545 | Stimulating Natural Regeneration of Native Desert Perennial Plants as a Minimum-Input Restoration Method | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | BLM | 49,999 | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2020 | |
11,546 | Minimum-Input Restoration for Wildlife Habitat Enhancement | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | BLM | 49,996 | 10/01/2019 | 09/30/2020 | |
11,547 | Can Management Actions Support Forest Regeneration across the Diverse Landscapes and Climate Change Futures of the Southwestern US? | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Petrie, Matthew | USGS | 59,941 | 09/15/2020 | 09/14/2021 | |
11,548 | Mount Charleston Blue Butterfly Population Status Surveys 2019-2021 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Thompson, Daniel | USFWS | 20,000 | 07/01/2019 | 03/31/2024 | |
11,766 | SW EPMT Collaborative Restoration Projects for Guadalupe Mountains NP and Pecos NHS | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott R. | NPS | 20,000 | 08/01/2015 | 03/31/2018 | |
27,080 | Advanced Analysis of Avain Biotelemetry Data | Boise State University | USGS | 85,000 | 05/01/2016 | |||
27,081 | LCT monitoring | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 30,000 | 01/01/2016 | |||
27,082 | Natural Resources Raptor Technical Support for U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground in the West Desert M | Hawkwatch International | DOD | 121,701 | 01/01/2016 | |||
27,083 | Assessing Survival and Productivity of Black Brant from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta and Artic Breeding Areas | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 60,727 | 12/21/2015 | |||
27,084 | Cedar Mountain Training Area Cul Resource Inventory | Utah State University | DOD | 197,500 | 09/24/2015 | |||
27,085 | Adaptive Management | Boise State University | DOD | 53,500 | 09/23/2015 | |||
27,086 | Collaborative Project to Assess Regional Soil Dust Emission for Select Areas of the SW US Deserts | Desert Research Institute | DOD | 49,769 | 09/22/2015 | |||
27,087 | Natural Resources Support | Brigham Young University | DOD | 97,751 | 09/22/2015 | |||
27,088 | Natural Resources Support | Brigham Young University | DOD | 220,000 | 09/22/2015 | |||
27,089 | Assess atmospheric transport trajectories and variation in the wet deposition of mercury across Alaska: Analyze Alaskan NADP-MDN data | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 30,000 | 09/09/2015 | |||
27,090 | Digital and GIS Mapping of Carnegie Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument | Brigham Young University | NPS | 18,448 | 09/01/2015 | |||
27,091 | Enhancing the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) | Boise State University | NPS | 39,951 | 09/01/2015 | |||
27,092 | Research and Data Collection to Evaluate GAP Data Systems and Other National Data , and Determine Highest Priority Analyses | Boise State University | USGS | 2,693,237 | 09/01/2015 | |||
27,093 | BLM Nevada Corridors and Renewable Energy GIS Data Maintenance Project | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 50,000 | 08/19/2015 | |||
27,094 | Estimation of Plant Height Using Photogrammetrically Derived Point Clouds | Utah State University | NRCS | 14,866 | 07/30/2015 | |||
27,095 | Evaluating Mathematical Visualization and modeling Approcahes for Use in Montoriing and Forescasting the Spread of Newly-Invasive Species | Boise State University | USGS | 40,000 | 07/15/2015 | |||
27,096 | Geospatial Modeling of Species and Landscapes in the Desert Soutwest | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USGS | 35,000 | 06/26/2015 | |||
27,097 | Drought Montiroing and Fellow Field Tracking Through Cloud Computing of Lnadsat, MODIS and GIS Climate Data Archives | Desert Research Institute | USGS | 269,746 | 06/01/2015 | |||
27,098 | Dugway Proving Ground Paleoecological Reconstruction | University of Utah | DOD | 149,761 | 05/15/2015 | |||
27,099 | Fire History, climate res. | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 25,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,100 | Fish Slough project | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 17,999 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,101 | Golden Eagle research | Boise State University | USFWS | 106,887 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,102 | Grassland Consv. Assessm. | Boise State University | USFWS | 70,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,103 | Grazing/SG hab | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 35,485 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,104 | Herbarium | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 15,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,105 | I. Webberi research | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 18,001 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,106 | LCT genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 15,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,107 | Lepidium Analysis | Boise State University | USFWS | 24,821 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,108 | Plant Resilience/Fire | Brigham Young University | USFWS | 68,649 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,109 | Pygmy rabbit hab | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 92,882 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,110 | Pyramid Lake Fishery Eval | Utah State University | USFWS | 49,119 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,111 | Sagebrush research | Utah State University | USFWS | 85,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,112 | Seed propagation | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 411,814 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,113 | Selenium sampling | Utah State University | USFWS | 24,600 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,114 | Spring Restoration | Brigham Young University | USFWS | 70,492 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,115 | Tribal research | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 49,531 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,116 | Tribal research | Oregon State University | USFWS | 50,000 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,117 | YGO Hab Improvement | Utah State University | USFWS | 14,400 | 01/01/2015 | |||
27,118 | Winter's Ranch Resource Inventory and Investigation | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 125,000 | 09/18/2014 | |||
27,119 | Developing a Rapid-Response Tool for Detecting Algae using Landsat Imagery | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 74,663 | 09/01/2014 | |||
27,121 | Limnological and Riparian Resource Condition Assessment of Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 66,297 | 09/01/2014 | |||
27,122 | Evacuation Corridor Modeling fro Tsunami Hazards in the Pacific Northwest | University of Idaho | USGS | 15,004 | 08/25/2014 | |||
27,123 | Understanding the Long Term Dynamics Between Climate, Water, and Carbon in Northeast Alaska | Idaho State University | USGS | 65,000 | 08/14/2014 | |||
27,124 | Evaluation of Spring Restoration on Aquatic Species and Habitat at Death Valley National Park | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 102,589 | 08/04/2014 | |||
27,125 | Changes to Watershed Vulnerability Under Future Climates, Fire Regimes, and Population Pressures | Boise State University | USGS | 27,314 | 08/01/2014 | |||
27,126 | Research and Data Collection to Determine the Most Relevant Conservation Issues Facing the Department of the Interior that Can Be Examined with GAP Analysis Program and Other Existing Data Sets | Boise State University | USGS | 400,476 | 08/01/2014 | |||
27,127 | Development of Structured Decision Making, Missouri River Pallid Sturgeon Effects Analysis | Oregon State University | USGS | 38,086 | 05/15/2014 | |||
27,128 | Title not provided | Utah State University | USFWS | 8,000 | 01/03/2014 | |||
27,129 | Inv weed mitigation | Utah State University | USFWS | 5,800 | 01/02/2014 | |||
27,130 | GIS-Harney Aquatic Health | Brigham Young University | USFWS | 68,649 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,131 | Golden Eagle Research | Boise State University | USFWS | 30,154 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,132 | Golden Eagle Research | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 367,861 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,133 | IBO Partner Support | Boise State University | USFWS | 40,000 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,134 | Moapa Dace monitoring | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 138,966 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,135 | Title not provided | Utah State University | USFWS | 49,860 | 01/01/2014 | |||
27,136 | Baker Strong Point Archeological Mitigation | Desert Research Institute | DOD | 0 | 09/30/2013 | |||
27,137 | Greater Sage-Grouse Ecology and Habitat Mapping in Nevada: A Proposed Study to Coordinate with Ongoing Research in Evaluating Sage-Groust Populations in NV | Idaho State University | USGS | 255,000 | 09/25/2013 | |||
27,138 | Central GB Rapid Ecological Assess Team | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 50,000 | 09/13/2013 | |||
27,139 | Multi-Modal Evacuation Modeling to Tsumani Hazards in California | University of Idaho | USGS | 19,855 | 09/01/2013 | |||
27,140 | Application of Environmental Tracers in Ground and Surface Water Investigations | University of Utah | USGS | 165,000 | 07/01/2013 | |||
27,141 | Understanding Habitat Vulnerability to Exotic Plant Invasion: Using Remote Sensing Analysis and Biogeophysical Maps to Build a Predictive Model for Colorado Plateau NPS Units | Brigham Young University | NPS | 38,381 | 05/01/2013 | |||
27,142 | Restoration of Native Understory Plants in Degraded Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem | Utah State University | USGS | 39,971 | 02/01/2013 | |||
27,143 | Anaho Seed Bank | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 17,404 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,144 | Cheatgrass die off | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 48,222 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,145 | Desert Tortoise | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 15,226 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,146 | Golden Eagle Research | Boise State University | USFWS | 4,995 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,147 | Golden Eagle Research | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 116,497 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,148 | LCT Restoration | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 159,359 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,149 | Packard's milkvetch | Boise State University | USFWS | 12,519 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,150 | Sage Grouse | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 107,775 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,151 | Science App, TEK | Utah State University | USFWS | 111,400 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,152 | SJ River Predator Diet Analysis | California State University, Fresno | USFWS | 68,089 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,153 | Survey harvest ant monitoring | Boise State University | USFWS | 71,549 | 01/01/2013 | |||
27,154 | Ecology and Conservation Grouse in Nevada: Restoration of Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse and Breeding Biology of Greater Sage-grouse | Idaho State University | USGS | 221,770 | 09/01/2012 | |||
27,155 | Sagebrush Regeneration in a Changing Climate | Idaho State University | USGS | 42,894 | 09/01/2012 | |||
27,156 | CCS WDO Black Rock Archeological Inventory | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 93,985 | 08/29/2012 | |||
27,157 | US Protected Areas Data Aggregation and Analyses to Inform Critical Conservation and Land Management Decisions | Boise State University | USGS | 275,000 | 08/22/2012 | |||
27,158 | Arch overview for Grand Canyon Parashant | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 89,993 | 08/19/2012 | |||
27,159 | Southern Nevada Agency Partnership, Cultural Site Stewardship Program -- Steward Retention and Program Transfer | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 150,000 | 08/18/2012 | |||
27,160 | Conservation Actions for the Relict Leopard Frog at Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 240,000 | 08/17/2012 | |||
27,161 | Ecological Site Description | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 277,770 | 08/16/2012 | |||
27,162 | Natural Life History of Quagga Mussels: Reproduction, Veliger Development and Settlement, Growth, and Nutritional Status in Las Vegas Bay and Boulder Basin of Lake Mead | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 114,016 | 08/16/2012 | |||
27,163 | Assessment and Restoration of Mesquite and Acacia Woodlands within Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 220,821 | 08/15/2012 | |||
27,164 | Development of a GIS Database of Cultural Resources and Change at Kalaupapa National Historical Park | Idaho State University | NPS | 65,000 | 08/15/2012 | |||
27,165 | Ash Meadows Fish Facility Study | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 38,919 | 08/14/2012 | |||
27,166 | Moapa NWR inv detection | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 47,000 | 08/13/2012 | |||
27,167 | MCBB mod 1 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 49,500 | 08/12/2012 | |||
27,168 | Mt. Charl. Blue Butterfly | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 22,000 | 08/11/2012 | |||
27,169 | Spring Moutain Butterfly | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 48,500 | 08/10/2012 | |||
27,170 | Pupfish | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 12,000 | 08/09/2012 | |||
27,171 | Ash Meadows Springs res | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 15,083 | 08/08/2012 | |||
27,172 | Develop Test Evaluation Scenario Planning | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 431,950 | 08/07/2012 | |||
27,173 | Managing Human Health Carcinogenic Minerals | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 180,000 | 08/06/2012 | |||
27,174 | Identifying Riparian Habitats Landsat | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 616,236 | 08/05/2012 | |||
27,175 | Development of National Register Package for the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail | Brigham Young University | NPS | 40,659 | 08/04/2012 | |||
27,176 | Effect of Chytrid Fungus on Frogs | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 27,785 | 08/04/2012 | |||
27,177 | Nellis Dunes Recreation Area Dust Exposure/Human Risk | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 2,500,594 | 08/03/2012 | |||
27,178 | Youth Initiative Hector's Helpers: Youth Combating Litter and Desert Dumping | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 30,705 | 08/02/2012 | |||
27,179 | Climate Monitoring & Data Management | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 77,378 | 08/01/2012 | |||
27,180 | Development of Water Quality and Climate Monitoring Plan and Protocols for the Mojave Desert Network Inventory & Monitoring Program | University of Idaho | NPS | 280,522 | 08/01/2012 | |||
27,181 | Developing a Remote Vaccination for Bison | University of Utah | NPS | 19,975 | 07/25/2012 | |||
27,182 | Development of a Curriculum-Based K-12 Education Plan for Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve | Idaho State University | NPS | 16,644 | 07/15/2012 | |||
27,183 | Regional Climate Trends Assessment | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 30,000 | 07/15/2012 | |||
27,184 | Hidden Cave Video Production | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 20,000 | 06/30/2012 | |||
27,185 | Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) Hydorlogy Working Group | Idaho State University | USGS | 23,998 | 06/15/2012 | |||
27,186 | Breeding Bird Surveys of Craters of the Moon National Monument | Boise State University | NPS | 6,135 | 05/21/2012 | |||
27,187 | Investigation of Aquifer Characteristics in the Vicinity of Lehman Caves and the Source of Water to Rowland Spring, Great Basin National Park, Snake Valley, White Pine County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 23,935 | 05/07/2012 | |||
27,188 | Buckwheat | Utah State University | USFWS | 80,000 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,189 | LCT genetics | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 68,449 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,190 | LCT recovery | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 30,000 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,191 | LCT recovery | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 68,449 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,192 | Moapa Dace | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 21,229 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,193 | Prevalence of Yersinia pestis | Boise State University | USFWS | 44,300 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,194 | Pyramid Lake Fishery Eval | Utah State University | USFWS | 326,048 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,195 | RVSN | Idaho State University | USFWS | 304,338 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,196 | Title not provided | Boise State University | USFWS | 9,977 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,197 | Trout in Fallen Leaf Lake | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 69,066 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,198 | Walker River basin rest | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 168,644 | 01/01/2012 | |||
27,199 | Developing a Test for Early Detection of New Zealand Mudsnails Using Environmental DNA | University of Idaho | USGS | 35,417 | 10/01/2011 | |||
27,200 | Adaptive Potential of Mojave Desert Plants to Nitrogen Deposition and Plant Invasion | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 91,804 | 09/15/2011 | |||
27,201 | Evaluation of Control Technology for Invasive Quagga Mussels | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 40,012 | 09/15/2011 | |||
27,202 | Using Structural Equation Modeling to Assess the Impact of Warming Thermal Structure on the Water Clarity and Productivity of Crater Lake in Oregon | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 10,018 | 08/22/2011 | |||
27,203 | Support Information for Prescribed Burn Operations and Wildland Fire Management in California and Nevada | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 250,000 | 08/15/2011 | |||
27,204 | Improving archaeological site documentation and interpretation | Utah State University | NPS | 65,028 | 08/01/2011 | |||
27,205 | Breeding Bird Surveys of Craters of the Moon National Monument | Boise State University | NPS | 5,453 | 06/01/2011 | |||
27,206 | Climate Monitoring Installation and Data Management for the Pacific Island Inventory and Monitoring Network | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 140,354 | 06/01/2011 | |||
27,207 | Data Collection/Analysis Support to the Rapid Carbon Assessment Project | Idaho State University | NRCS | 11,297 | 06/01/2011 | |||
27,208 | Rapid Assessment of Soil Carbon Assistance for MLRA 3 Soil Survey Region | University of Nevada, Reno | NRCS | 20,000 | 05/23/2011 | |||
27,209 | Data Collection/Analysis Support to the Rapid Carbon Assessment Project | University of Idaho | NRCS | 14,892 | 04/01/2011 | |||
27,210 | Determination of the Inter and Intra-annual Population Dynamics of Soft Sediments Dwelling Quagga Mussels in Boulder Basin, Las Vegas Bay, and Overton Arm at Lake Mead | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 143,219 | 12/10/2010 | |||
27,211 | Selawik River Retrogressive Thaw Slump Research Project ‐ Year 2 | Idaho State University | USFWS | 56,165 | 09/30/2010 | |||
27,212 | Elephant Mountain Archaeological | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 20,000 | 09/22/2010 | |||
27,213 | Archaeological Elephant Mountain | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 1,845 | 09/20/2010 | |||
27,214 | Great Basin Science Deliver Online Class Development Project | University of Idaho | BLM | 137,358 | 09/19/2010 | |||
27,215 | Great Basin Science Delivery Phase 2 | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 1,019,028 | 09/19/2010 | |||
27,216 | Investigating and Monitoring Native Bees at Pinnacles National Monument | Utah State University | NPS | 65,315 | 09/15/2010 | |||
27,217 | Investigating the Impact of Reinstatement of Livestock Wells on Mule Deer and Vegetation in Mojave National Preserve | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 14,898 | 09/15/2010 | |||
27,218 | Desert Bighorn Sheep | UC San Diego/WMRS | USFWS | 72,251 | 09/13/2010 | |||
27,219 | Analysis of Spring Inventory Data for the Chihuahuan Desert, Mojave, and Sonoran Desert Networks | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 89,395 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,220 | Develop and Test Mojave Native Plant Materials | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 160,000 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,221 | Genetic Evaluation of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Conservation Populations in the Snake Range, Nevada | Brigham Young University | NPS | 39,715 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,222 | Investigation of Non‐Native Species Invasion into Rare Plant Habitat within Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 94,799 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,223 | Investigation of Plant Colonization and Succession in the Lake Mead Shoreline Drawdown Zone | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 120,111 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,224 | Response of Black Rock‐High Rock Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area Springs to Climate Change | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 250,000 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,225 | Testing and Evaluating a New Wastewater Lagoon Treatment Method in Glacier National Park | University of Utah | NPS | 35,976 | 09/01/2010 | |||
27,226 | Bird Survey for Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge | Idaho State University | USFWS | 10,000 | 08/26/2010 | |||
27,227 | Developing a Sampling Framework for Aquatic Invasive Species in the Greater Yellowstone Area | Idaho State University | NPS | 8,058 | 08/25/2010 | |||
27,228 | Climate Change and Spring Snails | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 250,000 | 08/13/2010 | |||
27,229 | Occurrence and Mobility of Uranium in Grand Canyon Groundwater and Springs | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 7,873 | 08/12/2010 | |||
27,230 | Paleontology and Paleoenvironments of the Late Triassic Chinle Formation, Dinosaur National Monument | University of Utah | NPS | 28,988 | 08/09/2010 | |||
27,231 | Assessment of desert bighorn sheep on Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada: Phase 1(John Wehausen, PI) | UC San Diego/WMRS | USFWS | 72,251 | 08/01/2010 | |||
27,232 | Developing Appropriate Restoration Practices for Arizona Sonoran Desert Uplands Invaded by Buffelgrass | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 55,999 | 08/01/2010 | |||
27,233 | Scratching the Surface at Joshua Tree National Park: Introducing Non‐vascular Plants to the Public – Bryophyte Component | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 44,433 | 08/01/2010 | |||
27,234 | Lincoln County Archaeological Collections Inventory and Upgrade | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 106,000 | 07/19/2010 | |||
27,235 | Broodstock Genetic Assessment | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 54,648 | 07/14/2010 | |||
27,236 | Lincoln County Archaeological Inventory and Evaluate Four Historic Cemeteries in Lincoln County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 47,950 | 07/12/2010 | |||
27,237 | Nevada Sage Grouse ‐ Renewable Energy | Idaho State University | USGS | 20,000 | 07/01/2010 | |||
27,238 | Investigation of mercury deposition and sources of mercury input to four western National Parks and one California State Park | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 52,500 | 06/14/2010 | |||
27,239 | The Shivwits Research Project: Archaeological Field School 2010 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 22,895 | 05/17/2010 | |||
27,240 | Linking Whole‐System Carbon Cycling to Quantitative Food Webs in the Colorado River | Idaho State University | USGS | 84,563 | 05/11/2010 | |||
27,241 | Assessment of Desert Bighorn Sheep on Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada: Phase 1 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 80,104 | 05/01/2010 | |||
27,242 | Assessment of Desert Bighorn Sheep on Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada: Phase 1 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 211,718 | 05/01/2010 | |||
27,243 | Selawik River Retrogressive Thaw Slump Research Project | Idaho State University | USFWS | 68,202 | 05/01/2010 | |||
27,244 | Rainbow Trout Study in Glen Alpine Creek | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 50,000 | 04/13/2010 | |||
27,245 | Multiple Teleconnection Index Based Prediction of Natural Flow | Boise State University | USBR | 74,997 | 04/09/2010 | |||
27,246 | Desert Bighorn Sheep | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 291,822 | 03/22/2010 | |||
27,247 | Bootstraps Youth Development | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 656,000 | 03/08/2010 | |||
27,248 | Archeological Survey of Fuel Treatment Areas in Klamath Network Parks | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 37,784 | 03/01/2010 | |||
27,249 | Great Basin Science and Delivery JFSP | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 57,998 | 01/25/2010 | |||
27,250 | Quantifying Vulnerability of Quaking Aspen & Associated Bird Communities to Global Climate Change…. | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 78,143 | 01/21/2010 | |||
27,251 | Gypsum Soil Restoration and Revegetation in Lake Mead National Recreation Area: Treatments, Monitoring and Management Activities | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 256,970 | 01/01/2010 | |||
27,252 | Limnological Assistance for Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 388,595 | 11/03/2009 | |||
27,253 | Technical Assistance to the Interagency Science and Research Team of the Southern Nevada Agency Partnership (SNAP) for Implementation of Specific Components of the SNAP Science and Research | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 174,000 | 11/03/2009 | |||
27,254 | DT Research | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 246,763 | 11/02/2009 | |||
27,255 | Historic Pinyon Juniper Woodland Distribution in Central Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 113,000 | 10/01/2009 | |||
27,256 | WHIP / EQIP | Utah State University | NRCS | 25,066 | 10/01/2009 | |||
27,257 | Science Support for Tule Desert Fuel Breaks and Greenstrips Project | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 45,000 | 09/23/2009 | |||
27,258 | Renewable Energy Infrastructure Effects on Sage Grouse | Idaho State University | USGS | 13,000 | 09/22/2009 | |||
27,259 | Horsethief Spring Site Characterization | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 34,000 | 09/18/2009 | |||
27,260 | Sundance PaleoIndian | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 32,760 | 09/18/2009 | |||
27,261 | Collection of classification and accuracy assessment field data in support of vegetation mapping at four Mojave Desert Network parks | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 564,018 | 09/15/2009 | |||
27,262 | Natural Resource Data Synthesis at Petroglyph Point, Lava Beds National Monument | Oregon State University | NPS | 50,915 | 09/15/2009 | |||
27,263 | Winters Ranch Resource Investigation | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 120,000 | 09/14/2009 | |||
27,264 | Paleolimnology of the Yukon River Watershed: Roles of Climate, Permafrost, and Terrestrialization in Lake Change Using Paleolimnology | Idaho State University | USGS | 30,000 | 09/09/2009 | |||
27,265 | Remote Sensing and GIS to estimate PJ Density | Brigham Young University | BLM | 10,000 | 09/05/2009 | |||
27,266 | Methrow River Floodplain Restoration Project: Evaluation of Factors Limiting Fish Production and Potential Responses to Restoration | Idaho State University | USGS | 172,096 | 09/03/2009 | |||
27,267 | Climate monitoring assessment for the Arctic Inventory and Monitoring Network | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 22,002 | 09/01/2009 | |||
27,268 | Conceptual Model of the Hydrogeology of the Lehman, Baker, and Snake Creek Drainages in and Adjacent to Great Basin National Park, Snake Valley, White Pine County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 25,000 | 09/01/2009 | |||
27,269 | Map Evaluation | Utah State University | NRCS | 34,701 | 09/01/2009 | |||
27,270 | Technical Assistance for the Revision of the Conservation Agreement for the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 20,000 | 09/01/2009 | |||
27,271 | Testing at Serendipity Shelter | University of North Dakota | BLM | 10,000 | 09/01/2009 | |||
27,272 | Black Brant | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 23,450 | 08/28/2009 | |||
27,273 | Goldeneye | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 24,175 | 08/28/2009 | |||
27,274 | Assessment of observations and estimating the optimal distribution of remote automated weather station (RAWS) to include development of 7‐day RAWS‐MOS | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 107,599 | 08/17/2009 | |||
27,275 | Climatological, meteorological and smoke decision support information for burning operations of the National Park Service and other federal land management agencies in California and Nevada | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 288,999 | 08/17/2009 | |||
27,276 | Developing a long‐term monitoring protocol for riparian vegetation in Mojave Desert Network | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 113,584 | 08/15/2009 | |||
27,277 | Northern Nevada Abandoned Mine Archaeological Project | Great Basin College | BLM | 285,000 | 08/12/2009 | |||
27,278 | Range Survey for Camas Wildlife Refuge | Idaho State University | USFWS | 7,580 | 08/01/2009 | |||
27,279 | Stable isotope ecology of Great Basin National Park | Brigham Young University | NPS | 7,985 | 08/01/2009 | |||
27,280 | Photopolymerized encapsulation of vaccines for remote delivery projectiles | University of Utah | NPS | 14,805 | 07/30/2009 | |||
27,281 | Technical Assistant ‐ Spring Mountain | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 20,000 | 07/24/2009 | |||
27,282 | Aquatic habitat criteria development in support of minimum flows determination on the Dana Fork of the Tuolumne River, Yosemite National Park | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 45,000 | 07/15/2009 | |||
27,283 | Selawik River retrogressive thaw slump ‐ Alaska | Idaho State University | USFWS | 45,536 | 07/15/2009 | |||
27,284 | LCT Population Viability | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 65,008 | 06/18/2009 | |||
27,285 | Monitoring Songbirds in Idaho | Boise State University | USFWS | 23,750 | 06/17/2009 | |||
27,286 | USDI‐BLM Pygmy Rabbit Habitat (GWK078) | University of Idaho | BLM | 30,000 | 06/17/2009 | |||
27,287 | IBO Monitoring of USFWS Bird Species of Conservation Concern in Idaho | Boise State University | USFWS | 15,000 | 06/15/2009 | |||
27,288 | Archeological survey of fueld treatment areas at Lava Beds National Monument | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 20,525 | 06/01/2009 | |||
27,289 | Camas Wildlife NWR ‐ Idaho FWS | Idaho State University | USFWS | 7,580 | 05/26/2009 | |||
27,290 | Nutritional and Chemical Quality of Winter Diets Selected By Sage‐Grouse | Boise State University | BLM | 13,997 | 05/04/2009 | |||
27,291 | Selawik River Retrogressive Thaw Slump Research Project | Idaho State University | USFWS | 45,627 | 05/01/2009 | |||
27,292 | Lost City Field Work Spring 09 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 31,694 | 04/16/2009 | |||
27,293 | Effects of introduced palms on faunal diversity in spring riparian zones of Death Valley National Park | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 41,000 | 04/15/2009 | |||
27,294 | Management of Introduced Mountain Goats in Yellowstone National Park ‐ Year 2 | Idaho State University | NPS | 38,044 | 04/15/2009 | |||
27,295 | Walker River Watershed sediment | Utah State University | USFWS | 125,464 | 03/16/2009 | |||
27,296 | DTRO Monitoring databases | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 24,205 | 03/02/2009 | |||
27,297 | Devils Hole Physical Habitat Model, Death Valley National Park | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 88,030 | 03/01/2009 | |||
27,298 | IDFG/IBO Work on SGCN in 2009 | Boise State University | USFWS | 237,524 | 03/01/2009 | |||
27,299 | Wilderness Encounters Protocol Refinement and Correlation to Trail Use Estimation and Traffic Counts Data | University of Idaho | NPS | 48,291 | 02/01/2009 | |||
27,300 | Walker Basin Restoration | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 10,737 | 01/27/2009 | |||
27,301 | Tui‐Chub Study | UC Davis | USFWS | 40,000 | 01/22/2009 | |||
27,303 | Genetic effectiveness monitoring throughout Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 61,253 | 01/16/2009 | |||
27,304 | Ash Meadows NWR Spring Study | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 19,974 | 10/01/2008 | |||
27,305 | Evaluating efficacy of restoration techniques, Key’s View Road Reconstruction, Joshua Tree National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 24,001 | 09/29/2008 | |||
27,306 | Paleontological Excavation and Isotopic Dating of the Early Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Dinosaur National Monument. | Brigham Young University | NPS | 42,187 | 09/29/2008 | |||
27,307 | Sage Grouse risk assessment | University of Idaho | USFWS | 74,000 | 09/24/2008 | |||
27,308 | Historical Tree Cover in Nevada | Virginia Polytechnic Institute | BLM | 136,000 | 09/23/2008 | |||
27,309 | Pattern and Process of Wind Erosion Following Fire in the Snake River Plain of Southern Idaho | Idaho State University | BLM | 159,246 | 09/18/2008 | |||
27,311 | Bat Conservation and Management | Bat Conservation Inc. | BLM | 212,000 | 09/15/2008 | |||
27,312 | Complete National Register Listings for the Mojave Road and Associated Sites | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 24,000 | 09/15/2008 | |||
27,313 | USDI‐BLM Fine Scale Erosion (GRK463) | University of Idaho | BLM | 159,500 | 09/14/2008 | |||
27,314 | Custodianship of the Walking Box Ranch Property | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 1,099,994 | 09/12/2008 | |||
27,315 | Walking Box Ranch Research and Training Center and Museum Project Planning and Design | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 2,599,996 | 09/12/2008 | |||
27,316 | Desert NWR spring samples | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 19,974 | 09/05/2008 | |||
27,317 | Anaho Island Invertebrates | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 3,878 | 09/02/2008 | |||
27,318 | Anaho Island Vegetation | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 9,966 | 09/02/2008 | |||
27,319 | Assess genetic distinctiveness of Cambarus acuminatus ‐ a recently discovered crayfish in Valley Creek within Valley Forge National Historical Park | Brigham Young University | NPS | 47,774 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,321 | Assessment of the benthic ecology of Lake Mead prior to the expansion of adult Quagga mussel | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 207,309 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,322 | Cultural Resources Survey of Fuel Treatment Areas at Crater Lake National Park | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 30,000 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,323 | Developing an Aquatic Community Restoration Plan for Travertine & Texas Springs, Death Valley National Park California | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 66,700 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,325 | Development of an invasive/exotic plants monitoring protocol for the Mojave Desert Network | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 146,434 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,326 | Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Historic Resource Study | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 100,000 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,327 | Spring Survey Training and Data Analysis of Spring Inventory Data for the Sonora and Chiricahua Networks of National Parks | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 89,395 | 09/01/2008 | |||
27,328 | Amphibian Monitoring on the Great Divide Transect: Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | USGS | 35,930 | 08/15/2008 | |||
27,329 | Determine benthic macroinvertebrate composition, biomass, and potential production in Crater Lake, Oregon | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 32,590 | 08/15/2008 | |||
27,330 | Sage Grouse | Utah State University | USFWS | 24,189 | 08/11/2008 | |||
27,331 | Lichen diversity and community baseline for Yosemite National Park | Oregon State University | NPS | 41,000 | 08/04/2008 | |||
27,332 | Fish Diets in Lake Mead, Nevada and Trophic Level Examination for Suspected Consumption of Quagga Mussels (Dreissena bugensis) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 33,591 | 08/01/2008 | |||
27,333 | Identifying Factors Driving the Divergent Effects of Disease on Amphibians in Two National Park Ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains | Idaho State University | USGS | 23,200 | 08/01/2008 | |||
27,334 | Identifying Factors Driving the Divergent Effects of Disease on Amphibians in Two National Park Ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains | Idaho State University | USGS | 29,282 | 08/01/2008 | |||
27,335 | Conduct Archeological Site Condition Assessments ‐ Whiskeytown National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 7,386 | 07/31/2008 | |||
27,336 | Evaluation of the connection between streams and aquafers in and adjacent to Great Basin National Park, Snake Valley, White Pine County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 324,980 | 07/28/2008 | |||
27,337 | Scorpion Inventory of Death Valley National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 14,224 | 07/07/2008 | |||
27,338 | Devils Hole Data Management Internship, Death Valley National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 35,000 | 07/01/2008 | |||
27,339 | Depression Era Archaeology in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 40,000 | 06/24/2008 | |||
27,341 | Fire and Erosion in Western Rangelands | Boise State University | BLM | 292,600 | 06/04/2008 | |||
27,342 | A first assessment of stock effects on fauna: invertebrates in grazed versus ungrazed meadows | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 35,879 | 06/01/2008 | |||
27,343 | Plant Invasion in Desert Springs: Development of a Vegetation Monitoring Protocol for Death Valley National Park | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 45,000 | 06/01/2008 | |||
27,344 | Breeding Bird/Burrowing Owl Surveys | Boise State University | BLM | 110,500 | 05/07/2008 | |||
27,345 | Modeling caribou habitat at a landscape scale to determine the potential impacts of climate | Oregon State University | NPS | 103,000 | 05/01/2008 | |||
27,346 | Management of Introduced Mountain Goats in Yellowstone National Park | Idaho State University | NPS | 38,900 | 04/15/2008 | |||
27,347 | Management of Introduced Mountain Goats in Yellowstone National Park | Idaho State University | NPS | 132,934 | 04/15/2008 | |||
27,348 | Monitoring released DT's | University of California Los Angles | USFWS | 13,914 | 03/26/2008 | |||
27,349 | Sage grouse demography/Falcon‐Gonder transmission line | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 239,000 | 03/26/2008 | |||
27,350 | Reducing Visitor Conflict and Improving Resource Protection During Lehman Caves Tours | University of Idaho | NPS | 47,903 | 02/19/2008 | |||
27,351 | Developing an Aquatic Community Restoration Plan for Travertine & Texas Springs | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 9,148 | 02/15/2008 | |||
27,352 | Integrating Soil Communities of Sagebrush Steppe & Bromus Tectorum‐Invaded Ecosystems with Restor…. | Oregon State University | USGS | 13,198 | 01/29/2008 | |||
27,353 | Cultural Resources Survey of Fuel Treatment Areas ‐ Whiskeytown National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 61,706 | 01/14/2008 | |||
27,354 | Geology of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 82,337 | 01/14/2008 | |||
27,355 | How does coastal engineering and human disturbance affect the distribution of nesting Snowy Plovers in the Florida Panhandle? | Boise State University | Texas A&M University | 167,718 | 01/01/2008 | |||
27,356 | Monitoring Land Treatments to Predict Changes in Wildlife Habitat in the Great Basin | Boise State University | USGS | 57,646 | 12/01/2007 | |||
27,357 | Alternative Land‐use Planning Scenarios in the Las Vegas Valley | Utah State University | BLM | 804,452 | 11/19/2007 | |||
27,358 | Cattle as Fuel Reduction Agents | Utah State University | BLM | 262,301 | 11/16/2007 | |||
27,359 | Digital Mapping Inventory of Biological Soil Crusts in the Muddy Mountain National Wilderness Area, Nevada | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 99,909 | 11/06/2007 | |||
27,360 | Archaeological Field School | Great Basin College | BLM | 17,000 | 10/03/2007 | |||
27,361 | Revegetating Burned Arid Lands: Identifying Successful Native Species Using Trait and Competition Analysis. | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 164,369 | 10/01/2007 | |||
27,362 | Conduct physical, biological and limnological research at Devils Hole, Death Valley National Park | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 50,044 | 09/24/2007 | |||
27,363 | Database and Programming Design for Vital Signs Monitoring Protocol ‐ Mojave Inventory & Monitoring Network | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 65,365 | 09/24/2007 | |||
27,364 | Projected Vegetation Changes Over the Next Century in Yosemite National Park Under Three Climate Change Scenarios | Oregon State University | NPS | 43,588 | 09/24/2007 | |||
27,365 | Formatting and Identifying Missing Information in NARMS Diurnal Raptor Species Accounts | Boise State University | USGS | 1,579 | 09/17/2007 | |||
27,366 | Plant Community Response to Tamarisk Invasion and Hydrologic Regime in Cataract Canyon, Canyonlands National Park: A Preliminary Investigation | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 16,792 | 09/01/2007 | |||
27,367 | Synergistic Monitoring for Adaptive Vegetation Management in the Sagebrush Ecosystem in the Great Bas. | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 24,709 | 08/30/2007 | |||
27,368 | Assessment of Energy Neutral Options for Four Federal Agencies with Operations within the Public Lands in Southern Nevada | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 34,549 | 08/28/2007 | |||
27,369 | GIS‐SNAP | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 50,000 | 08/23/2007 | |||
27,370 | Great Basin Toads | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 137,024 | 08/23/2007 | |||
27,371 | Long‐term Evaluation of Revegetation Methods Applied on High‐Elevation Roadsides at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah | Brigham Young University | NPS | 3,022 | 08/15/2007 | |||
27,372 | Provision and Evaluation of Climate Data for the National Parks, Phase 2B | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 30,000 | 08/15/2007 | |||
27,373 | Information Needs Assessments of Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Teams | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | USFWS | 50,000 | 08/08/2007 | |||
27,374 | Baseline Water Quality Information for Great Basin National Park ‐ Macroinvertebrate Identification | Utah State University | NPS | 10,575 | 08/06/2007 | |||
27,375 | Development of long‐term monitoring protocols for soil‐related vital signs in the Mojave Network. | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 16,343 | 08/01/2007 | |||
27,376 | Quantifying Basalt Rock Outcrop in NRCS Soil Map Units Using Landsat‐5 Data | Idaho State University | NRCS | 24,024 | 08/01/2007 | |||
27,377 | Lincoln County Archaeological Initiative (LCAI) program management | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 149,548 | 07/31/2007 | |||
27,378 | Program Management, Lincoln County Archaeological Initiative | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 195,976 | 07/31/2007 | |||
27,379 | Southern Nevada Agency Partnership, Cultural Site Stewardship Program ‐ Program Expansion and Steward Retention | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 603,109 | 07/01/2007 | |||
27,380 | Development of a Habitat Management Plan to Maintain Viability of the Desert Bighorn Sheep Population in the River Mountains, Nevada: Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Genetic Diversity and Connec | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 101,994 | 06/15/2007 | |||
27,381 | Development of a Habitat Management Plan to Maintain Viability of the Desert Bighorn Sheep Population in the River Mountains, Nevada: Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Diversity and Connectivity | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 101,842 | 06/15/2007 | |||
27,382 | Education in the Environment ‐ A Strategy for Continued Interagency Outdoor Education | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 3,155,858 | 06/01/2007 | |||
27,383 | Limnological Assistance for the Lake Mead National Reservation Area in Meeting the Challenge of the Water 2025 Initiative | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 630,000 | 06/01/2007 | |||
27,384 | Nevada Interagency Volunteer Program: Helping Hands Across Public Lands ‐ Phase II | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 1,487,286 | 06/01/2007 | |||
27,385 | Geological Mapping for Clark County | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 984,883 | 05/09/2007 | |||
27,386 | Take a Walk in Zion | University of Utah | NPS | 30,000 | 05/01/2007 | |||
27,387 | The Tuolumne River below Hetch Hetchy Reservoir: Characterization of the macroinvertebrate assemblage. | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 165,050 | 05/01/2007 | |||
27,388 | Development of water quality monitoring plan and protocol for the Mojave Network | University of Idaho | NPS | 320,766 | 04/01/2007 | |||
27,389 | Test and revise draft protocol for using invertebrates as indicators of meadow change in Sierra Nevada Network parks | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 111,799 | 04/01/2007 | |||
27,390 | USDI‐NPS Mojave Water Plan (GWK572) | University of Idaho | NPS | 320,764 | 04/01/2007 | |||
27,391 | An Investigation of Bryophyte Diversity and Distribution on the Grand Canyon‐Parashant National Monument | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 47,087 | 03/01/2007 | |||
27,392 | Site occupancy of breeding amphibians within the Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | NPS | 100,031 | 03/01/2007 | |||
27,393 | Natural History of Highway 93 | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 97,574 | 12/12/2006 | |||
27,394 | Archaeological Inventory, Site Assessment and Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 881,200 | 09/30/2006 | |||
27,395 | Development and Support for the Lake Mead national Recreation Area Resource Management Information System | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 491,315 | 09/30/2006 | |||
27,396 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Sensitive Wildlife at Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 1,555,995 | 09/30/2006 | |||
27,397 | Vegetation Monitoring and Analysis at Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 1,670,640 | 09/30/2006 | |||
27,398 | Climate data for the National Parks. | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 100,000 | 09/29/2006 | |||
27,399 | Climate Monitoring Assessment for the Sierra Nevada Network | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 24,000 | 09/29/2006 | |||
27,400 | NPS Phase II National Climate | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 100,000 | 09/29/2006 | |||
27,401 | Inventory Non Vascular Plants in Research Natural Areas | University of Idaho | NPS | 18,000 | 09/25/2006 | |||
27,402 | Pacific Northwest Research Collaboratory Owyhee Project | Idaho State University | BLM | 27,000 | 09/22/2006 | |||
27,403 | Baseline Kipuka Inventory and Resource Assessment ‐ South, Craters of the Moon Naitonal Monument and Preserve | Idaho State University | NPS | 57,748 | 09/18/2006 | |||
27,404 | Implementation of Level 1 Inventory of Spring‐Fed Water Features Within Mojave Inventory and Monitoring Network: Lake Mead National Recreation Area | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 69,588 | 09/15/2006 | |||
27,405 | NEH, Section 15 ‐ Irrigation | Utah State University | NRCS | 82,500 | 09/15/2006 | |||
27,406 | Utah ESIS Database Project | Utah State University | NRCS | 26,147 | 09/15/2006 | |||
27,407 | Utah MLRA D34B State and Transition Model Development | Utah State University | NRCS | 28,103 | 09/15/2006 | |||
27,408 | Development of a Study to Address the Impact of Reinstatement of Livestock Wells on Mule Deer and Vegetation in Mojave National Preserve | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 30,000 | 09/01/2006 | |||
27,409 | Support for National Park Service Great Basin CESU Activities | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 17,790 | 09/01/2006 | |||
27,410 | Write a Water Resources Stewardship Plan for Death Valley National Park | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 46,910 | 09/01/2006 | |||
27,411 | Flint Mining District Environmental History | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 50,000 | 08/31/2006 | |||
27,412 | Collaborative Renewable Energy For Land Management Agencies, A Feasibility Study | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 34,549 | 08/28/2006 | |||
27,413 | Assessing Impacts of Human Disturbance on Desert Bighorn Sheep in the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area: Genetic Diversity and Connectivity | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 19,358 | 08/21/2006 | |||
27,414 | Sustainable Development in mining communities website | Great Basin College | BLM | 30,000 | 08/10/2006 | |||
27,415 | Air Quality | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 117,498 | 08/02/2006 | |||
27,416 | Special Historic Study and National Register of Historic Places Nomination for the Town of St. Thomas | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 74,690 | 08/01/2006 | |||
27,417 | Biological Research on the Effects of Human Trampling on the Invertebrate Community in Tuolumne Meadows | UC San Diego/WMRS | NPS | 51,500 | 07/30/2006 | |||
27,418 | Loop Fire Monitoring | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 110,150 | 07/21/2006 | |||
27,419 | Causes of Haze Assessment for US Fish & Wildlife Service (WRAP) | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 117,498 | 07/20/2006 | |||
27,420 | Data Management for the Mojave Inventory and Monitoring Network | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 79,487 | 07/15/2006 | |||
27,421 | Peer Review Red Rock Visitor Center Interpretive Document | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 12,000 | 07/14/2006 | |||
27,422 | Historic Vegetation of the California Trail | Utah State University | NPS | 20,000 | 07/12/2006 | |||
27,423 | The Urban Landscape of Cattle Ranching in Elko County, Nevada, 1860‐1940 | University of Utah | NPS | 15,665 | 06/19/2006 | |||
27,424 | Predicting Phenological Plant Stage in the Upper Colorado Basin | University of Utah | BLM | 249,516 | 06/05/2006 | |||
27,425 | Vegetation Monitoring on the Loop Fire Red Rocks ‐ Post‐fire Monitoring in the Red Rock Canyon Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 110,150 | 06/01/2006 | |||
27,426 | Dynamics of the Black Rock Playa: Relationships Between Recreational Use, Physical Processes, and Biological Environments | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 63,474 | 05/18/2006 | |||
27,427 | Characterizing Particulate Matter Emissions by Wildland Fires Relevant to Visibility Impairment and PM Non‐Attainment | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 195,288 | 05/10/2006 | |||
27,428 | Development of Improved Methods for Characterizing Wildland Fire Particulate Matter Emissions and Their Air Quality/Visibility Impacts | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 195,288 | 05/10/2006 | |||
27,429 | Assessing the Distribution and Effects of Chytrid Fungus on Amphibians in Grand Teton National Park | Idaho State University | USGS | 10,963 | 05/04/2006 | |||
27,430 | DT Data Collection for Disease | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 535,668 | 04/24/2006 | |||
27,431 | Assessing impacts of human disturbance on desert bighorn sheep in the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area: genetic diversity and connectivity (John Wehausen, PI) | UC San Diego/WMRS | BLM | 36,840 | 04/01/2006 | |||
27,432 | Dynamics of the Black Rock Playa: Relationships between Use, Physical Processes, and Biological Environments | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 115,207 | 04/01/2006 | |||
27,433 | Great Basin CESU Program Support To Conuct a 5‐year Status Review | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 1,000 | 04/01/2006 | |||
27,434 | Lincoln County Archaeological Initiative (LCAI) Program Mgmt | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 42,850 | 03/15/2006 | |||
27,435 | Archeological Inventory of Fuel Treatment Units at Lava Beds National Monument | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 74,143 | 03/01/2006 | |||
27,436 | Sagebrush‐Steppe Vegetation Monitoring Protocol Development for the Upper Columbia Basin Network | Idaho State University | NPS | 35,342 | 02/05/2006 | |||
27,437 | Great Basin National Park Mammal Key and Field Guide | University of Utah | NPS | 4,230 | 02/01/2006 | |||
27,438 | Geology of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 33,000 | 12/01/2005 | |||
27,439 | SNPLMA Health Assessment | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 187,623 | 11/01/2005 | |||
27,440 | Owl Surveys | Boise State University | USGS | 9,416 | 10/31/2005 | |||
27,441 | Delineate Seasonable Travel Range and Confirm Potential Foraging Sites of American White Pelicans from West Central Nevada | Boise State University | USGS | 5,502 | 10/28/2005 | |||
27,442 | American White Pelican Foraging Range Estimates | Boise State University | USGS | 5,502 | 10/27/2005 | |||
27,443 | Owl Surveys | Boise State University | USGS | 9,416 | 10/27/2005 | |||
27,444 | Assessing Factors Contributing to Dust Emissions | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 752,153 | 10/21/2005 | |||
27,445 | Assessing factors contributing to dust emissions from public lands on air quality in area of Clark County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 70,000 | 10/21/2005 | |||
27,446 | Modification to Assessing Factors Contributing to Dust Emission from Public Lands on Air Quality in Areas of Clark County, Nevada | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 955,728 | 10/21/2005 | |||
27,447 | A Weather monitoring network for the National Park System | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 325,000 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,448 | Archeological Research and Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 339,994 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,449 | Lake Mead Information Management System Development | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 232,520 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,450 | Lake Mead National Recreation Area Information Management System Development | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 232,520 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,451 | Lake Mead National Recreation Area Sensitive Wildlife Species Monitoring and Analysis | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 438,577 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,452 | Lake Mead National Recreation Area Vegetation Monitoring and Management | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 442,698 | 10/01/2005 | |||
27,453 | Draft Revision of the Lost River Sucker and Shortnose Sucker Recovery Plan | Desert Research Institute | USFWS | 275,723 | 09/15/2005 | |||
27,454 | Monitoring Progress Towards Sustainability | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 90,000 | 09/14/2005 | |||
27,455 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Intermountain West | Utah State University | USGS | 460,211 | 09/13/2005 | |||
27,456 | Tree National Park and Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 96,278 | 09/10/2005 | |||
27,457 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Utah State University | BLM | 944,534 | 09/08/2005 | |||
27,458 | Archeological Inventory of Fuel Treatment Units at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area | University of Nevada-Reno | NPS | 121,600 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,459 | Environmental Studies Internship | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 9,008 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,460 | Environmental Studies Internships | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 27,025 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,461 | Implementation of Level 1 Inventory of Spring‐Fed Water Features within the Mojave Inventory and Monitoring Network: Joshua Tree National Park and Grand Canyon‐Parashant National Monument | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 221,441 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,462 | Re-evaluation of the Main Ridge Site and Adjacent Areas | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 75,899 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,463 | Re‐evaluation of the Main Ridge Site and Adjacent Areas | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 110,804 | 09/01/2005 | |||
27,464 | Sage-Grouse Local Working Group Conservation Monitoring Projec | Utah State University | USGS | 18,539 | 08/30/2005 | |||
27,465 | Amphibian Monitoring on the Great Divide Transect: Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | USGS | 20,500 | 08/18/2005 | |||
27,466 | Amphibian Monitoring on the Great Divide Transect: Great Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | USGS | 30,000 | 08/17/2005 | |||
27,467 | Amphibian Monitoring on the Great Divide Transect: Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | USGS | 20,500 | 08/17/2005 | |||
27,468 | Amphibian Monitoring on the Great Divide Transect: Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | USGS | 59,990 | 08/17/2005 | |||
27,469 | Seed Bank Distribution of the Las Vegas Bearpoppy (Arctomecon Californica) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 71,575 | 08/08/2005 | |||
27,470 | Seed Bank Distribution of the Las Vegas Bearpoppy (Bearpoppy Seedbanks) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 117,853 | 08/08/2005 | |||
27,471 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | University of Nevada-Reno | USGS | 1,058,885 | 08/02/2005 | |||
27,472 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Brigham Young University | USGS | 1,454,692 | 08/02/2005 | |||
27,473 | Data Collection and survey of reptiles on Anaho Island National Wildlife Refug | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 7,025 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,474 | Describing Relations Among Annual Livestock Monitoring Indicators and the Resource Condition in Riparian Areas | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 69,500 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,475 | Desert Tortoise Monitoring Program | University of Nevada, Reno | USFWS | 44,847 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,476 | Field Surveys of Migration Corridors in the Owyhee Uplands | Boise State University | USGS | 8,000 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,477 | National Monument, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area and Big Hole National Battlefield | University of Idaho | NPS | 18,532 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,478 | Paleoindian Archaeological Survey of the Black Rock Desert, Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 9,000 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,479 | Pollen Analysis at Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 7,500 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,480 | Temperature Influence on Willow Growth and Phenolic Production | Brigham Young University | NPS | 44,251 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,481 | USDI‐NPS Quaking Aspen (GRK578) | University of Idaho | NPS | 27,092 | 08/01/2005 | |||
27,482 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Brigham Young University | BLM | 705,912 | 07/29/2005 | |||
27,483 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 837,201 | 07/29/2005 | |||
27,484 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Oregon State University | BLM | 1,276,218 | 07/29/2005 | |||
27,485 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | University of Idaho | BLM | 209,736 | 07/12/2005 | |||
27,486 | USGS Sagebrush Biome ‐‐ Rimbey (BDK608) | University of Idaho | USGS | 31,858 | 07/12/2005 | |||
27,487 | USGS Sagebrush Biome (GRK608) | University of Idaho | USGS | 292,447 | 07/12/2005 | |||
27,488 | Historic Resource Study of Lake Mead National Recreation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 106,990 | 07/01/2005 | |||
27,489 | Update Historic Recources Study | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 59,990 | 07/01/2005 | |||
27,490 | Pre‐settlement Wildfire, Drought and Pinyon Juniper | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 1,105,797 | 06/30/2005 | |||
27,491 | Bootstraps for Local Youth | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 67,000 | 06/25/2005 | |||
27,492 | Excavation and Analysis of the Bridgeport Paleoarchaic Quarry (CA-MNO-3126), Mono County, California | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 43,500 | 06/16/2005 | |||
27,493 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Oregon State University | USGS | 3,637,560 | 06/08/2005 | |||
27,494 | BLM Carson River Watershed Planning (KEK460) | University of Idaho | BLM | 80,044 | 06/02/2005 | |||
27,495 | Carson River Watershed Planning Tool Project | University of Idaho | BLM | 107,116 | 06/02/2005 | |||
27,496 | Little Pocket Mouse Survey in South Central Idaho | Utah State University | BLM | 5,000 | 05/15/2005 | |||
27,497 | Take Pride in America‐‐Anti‐Litter | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 3,145,555 | 04/05/2005 | |||
27,498 | Take Pride in American in southern Nevada - A Local Litter and Desert Dumping Clean-up Program | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 1,427,800 | 04/05/2005 | |||
27,499 | Take Pride in America in Southern Nevada ‐ A Local Litter and Desert Dumping Clean‐Up Program ‐ Judicial System Analysis and Coordination ‐ Task 4 for Task 31 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 97,791 | 03/31/2005 | |||
27,500 | Take Pride in America in Southern Nevada ‐ A Local Litter and Desert Dumping Clean‐Up Program ‐ Litter and Desert Dumping Clean‐up Program ‐ Task 3 for Task 31 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 736,138 | 03/31/2005 | |||
27,501 | Take Pride in America in Southern Nevada ‐ A Local Litter and Desert Dumping Clean‐Up Program ‐ Messaging Campaign ‐ Task 2 for Task 31 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 884,775 | 03/31/2005 | |||
27,502 | Take Pride in America in Southern Nevada ‐ A Local Litter and Desert Dumping Clean‐Up Program ‐ Strategic Planning and Project Management ‐ Task 1 for Task 31 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 1,426,851 | 03/31/2005 | |||
27,503 | Interagency science and research strategy | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 16,500 | 03/01/2005 | |||
27,504 | Interagency Science and Research Strategy | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 508,200 | 03/01/2005 | |||
27,505 | Soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties and their effect on Eriogonum corymbosum var. and Arctomecon californica in North Las Vegas ‐ Task 30 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 59,334 | 02/22/2005 | |||
27,506 | Soils Analysis in the Las Vegas Formation | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 59,334 | 02/22/2005 | |||
27,507 | GB Springs Database | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 50,010 | 02/17/2005 | |||
27,508 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | Forest Service-RMRS-Reno/ PNW-La Grande | USGS | 1,043,924 | 02/16/2005 | |||
27,509 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | ARS-Boise | USGS | 1,036,500 | 02/16/2005 | |||
27,510 | A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome | USGS Pass-through Indirect/Boise/Corvalis | USGS | 2,971,340 | 02/16/2005 | |||
27,511 | Mesquite-Acacia Conservation Management Strategy | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 72,409 | 01/14/2005 | |||
27,512 | Geology of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 120,530 | 01/10/2005 | |||
27,513 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | USBR | 10,000 | 01/01/2005 | |||
27,514 | Restoration and Management of Sage-grouse habitat on Private Land | Utah State University | NRCS | 300,000 | 01/01/2005 | |||
27,515 | Development and testing on an amphibian monitoring protocol within the Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | NPS | 34,975 | 12/01/2004 | |||
27,516 | Logandale Trails Conservation ‐ Task BL01 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 187,000 | 10/01/2004 | |||
27,517 | Restoration Following Saltcedar (tamarix parviflora) Biological Control. | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 12,340 | 10/01/2004 | |||
27,518 | Development of protocols to assess and monitor condition of geologic features within Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve | University of Utah | NPS | 15,280 | 09/30/2004 | |||
27,519 | Protecting the desert tortoise: A plan for primary survey, management, and monitoring in PARA and GRCA | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 12,004 | 09/30/2004 | |||
27,520 | Using Cattle as Fuel Reduction Agents in Annual and Perennial Grass Stands in Northern Nevada | Utah State University | BLM | 221,729 | 09/30/2004 | |||
27,521 | Traveling the Great Basin Highway: A Guide to the Geology and National History along U.S. Highway 93 in Nevada and Arizona | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 97,574 | 09/23/2004 | |||
27,522 | Using Stable Isotopes to Detect Anthropogenic Impacts on the Aquatic Food Web | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 5,000 | 09/23/2004 | |||
27,523 | Historical Documentation of the Flint Mining District | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 25,000 | 09/15/2004 | |||
27,524 | Administrative History of Yosemite National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 106,000 | 09/01/2004 | |||
27,525 | Administrative History of Yosemite National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 211,000 | 09/01/2004 | |||
27,526 | Historic Resource Study of Pipe Springs National Monument | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 82,434 | 09/01/2004 | |||
27,527 | Saltcedar, Willow, and Beaver in the Grand Canyon | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 6,345 | 09/01/2004 | |||
27,528 | World War II Oral History Project | Oregon State University | NPS | 9,635 | 09/01/2004 | |||
27,529 | Yerington Paiute Tribe Air Sample Analysis | Boise State University | BLM | 14,000 | 08/27/2004 | |||
27,530 | Continuation of a Study of the Ecology of Greater Sage Grouse in Mono County, CA | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 79,000 | 08/15/2004 | |||
27,531 | Ice caves, lava tubes, and aa landscapes: sources of rare, isolated biological diversity associated with cool, moist microclimates | Oregon State University | NPS | 12,000 | 08/15/2004 | |||
27,532 | Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Documentation of Southern Pacific Railroad Trestle #1 | University of Utah | NPS | 39,851 | 08/01/2004 | |||
27,533 | Inventory and Map Historic California Trail Vegetation at City of Rocks National Reserve | Utah State University | NPS | 28,090 | 07/15/2004 | |||
27,534 | Olema Valley National Register Nomination | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 14,189 | 07/13/2004 | |||
27,535 | Research and Map Fire History at City of Rocks National Reserve | Utah State University | NPS | 10,000 | 07/01/2004 | |||
27,536 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing capacity through community partnerships - Cultural Site Stewardship Program (CSSP) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 231,542 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,537 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing capacity through community partnerships - Interagency Student Intake Program (ISIP) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 359,986 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,538 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing capacity through community partnerships - Interagency Volunteer Program (IVP &CCP) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 717,635 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,539 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing Capacity through Community Partnerships‐Cultural Site Stewardship Program | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 344,702 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,540 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing Capacity through Community Partnerships‐Interagency Student Intake Program | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 363,516 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,541 | Cooperative Conservation: Increasing Capacity through Community Partnerships‐Interagency Volunteer Program and Cooperative Conservation Program | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 1,117,597 | 06/30/2004 | |||
27,542 | Wind Resource Development Area Guidance in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area | Boise State University | BLM | 3,600 | 06/22/2004 | |||
27,543 | Education in the Environment: A Hands‐on Student Research and Outdoor Learning Experience | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 1,005,508 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,544 | Education in the Environment: A hands-on-student research and outdoor learning experience (EE) | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 654,032 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,545 | Oliver Ranch Sciences School Complex and Wild Horse and Burro Facility Task 1 ‐ for Task Order 19 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 283,348 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,546 | Oliver Ranch Sciences School Complex and Wild Horse and Burro Facility Task 2 ‐ for Task 19 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 233,414 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,547 | Oliver Ranch Sciences School Complex and Wild Horse and Burro Facility Task 3 ‐ for Task 19 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 200,220 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,548 | Oliver Ranch Sciences School Complex and Wild Horse and Burro Facility Task 4 ‐ for Task 19 | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 145,518 | 06/01/2004 | |||
27,549 | Contraceptive for Wild Horses | Ohio Medical University | BLM | 753,333 | 05/26/2004 | |||
27,550 | Support of Tehabi Internships | Utah State University | BLM | 76,849 | 05/10/2004 | |||
27,551 | Monitoring Support for the Northwest Forest Plan | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 86,074 | 05/01/2004 | |||
27,552 | Multi-scale Inventory of Pinyon-Juniper Woodland | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 99,000 | 04/17/2004 | |||
27,553 | Alternative Stock Mgmt after Southern Complex Fires | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 3,684 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,554 | Chapter 11, Sprinkler irrigation, NEH, Section 15 review | University of Idaho | NRCS | 14,400 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,555 | Chapter 12, Land Leveling, NEH, Section 15 Review | Utah State University | NRCS | 11,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,556 | Current Status of Sage Grouse Mgmt Technology on Private Land | Utah State University | NRCS | 100,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,557 | Desert Big Horn Genetics | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 19,358 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,558 | Ecological Health Assessment (Sci Strategy) | Desert Research Institute | BLM | 245,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,559 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | ARS | 10,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,560 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | USFWS | 10,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,561 | Logandale Trails | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 187,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,562 | Paleoarchaeological Survey of Black Rock | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 40,000 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,563 | Seed Bank Distribution of Las Vegas Bear Poppy | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 71,575 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,564 | Survey for Pygmy Rabbits on Public Lands in Northeastern California and Northwestern Nevada | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 19,035 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,565 | Tehabi Internships Elko | Utah State University | BLM | 56,125 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,566 | Tehabi Internships Ely | Utah State University | BLM | 60,627 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,567 | Tehabi Internships Idaho | Utah State University | BLM | 91,829 | 01/01/2004 | |||
27,568 | Revisions to the NRCS Engineering Field Handbook Engineering Surveys Chapter | Oregon State University | NRCS | 20,070 | 10/01/2003 | |||
27,569 | Aquatic Invertebrates Identification and Enumeration at Great Basin National Park | Utah State University | NPS | 12,420 | 09/30/2003 | |||
27,570 | Effects of Settlement-Era Livestock Grazing on Fire Regimes and Pinyon-Juniper Expansion | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 100,000 | 09/30/2003 | |||
27,571 | Native Regen Bear Creek, CA | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 10,000 | 09/05/2003 | |||
27,572 | Chapter 4, Surface Irrigation, National Engineering Handbook, Part 623 | Utah State University | NRCS | 25,960 | 09/01/2003 | |||
27,573 | Network | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 13,930 | 09/01/2003 | |||
27,574 | Vascular Plant Species List Documentation for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks | California State University, Fresno | NPS | 55,000 | 09/01/2003 | |||
27,575 | Competitiveness of Natives with Cheatgrass | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 101,000 | 08/29/2003 | |||
27,576 | Metal uptake/phytoremediation | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 23,575 | 08/29/2003 | |||
27,577 | Rock Creek Archaeological Survey | Boise State University | BLM | 30,000 | 08/28/2003 | |||
27,578 | Assessment of Habitat for Sagebrush Steppe Dependent Birds | Boise State University | NPS | 25,000 | 08/01/2003 | |||
27,579 | Database | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 6,760 | 08/01/2003 | |||
27,580 | Develop Historic Resources Database and GIS for Wildland Urban Interface Planning at Whiskeytown NRA | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 67,250 | 08/01/2003 | |||
27,581 | Website Development of the Mojave Inventory and Monitoring Network | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 6,000 | 08/01/2003 | |||
27,582 | National Historic Landmark Documentation for the Bodie Historic District, California | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 11,500 | 07/01/2003 | |||
27,583 | Amphibian Inventory and Monitoring-Greater Yellowstone Network | Idaho State University | NPS | 11,500 | 05/01/2003 | |||
27,584 | RUSLE Cover Parameterization for Eastern Nevada Soils Converting to Woodland from Sagebrush and Bunchgrass | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 21,334 | 03/03/2003 | |||
27,585 | Network | Idaho State University | NPS | 18,000 | 03/01/2003 | |||
27,586 | Production of a programmatic EA for the placement of fixed climbing anchors in wilderness areas in Joshua Tree National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 38,893 | 01/15/2003 | |||
27,587 | Jaguar Cave "At Risk" Project - Matrix Preparation and Analyses | Idaho State University | BLM | 5,000 | 01/03/2003 | |||
27,588 | Factors affecting habitat and abundance of the Grand Wash Springsnail | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 24,997 | 09/30/2002 | |||
27,589 | features | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 193,605 | 09/30/2002 | |||
27,590 | Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni): Habitat Assessment of Old Dad Mountain | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 23,449 | 09/01/2002 | |||
27,591 | Evaluation of Existing and Future Air Quality Monitoring at Great Basin National Park | Desert Research Institute | NPS | 28,648 | 09/01/2002 | |||
27,592 | Support for Great Basin CESU Programs | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 3,450 | 09/01/2002 | |||
27,593 | Historic Resource Study, Joshua Tree National Park | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 71,000 | 08/01/2002 | |||
27,594 | Long-term effects of drought and rodent predation on Joshua Trees at Joshua Tree National Park | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | NPS | 5,750 | 08/01/2002 | |||
27,595 | The ecological relationship between a Rocky Mountain threatened species and a Great Plains agricultural pest | University of Nevada, Reno | NPS | 7,500 | 07/31/2002 | |||
27,596 | CE-Qual W2 Modeling for Shasta Lake: Conversion of Existing Version | University of Nevada, Reno | USGS | 11,405 | 05/01/2002 | |||
27,597 | Monitoring Networks | Idaho State University | NPS | 144,497 | 05/01/2002 | |||
27,598 | Interbasin Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for the Walker River Basin EIS | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 59,561 | 04/01/2002 | |||
27,599 | Native Plant Material Seed Development | University of Nevada, Reno | BLM | 450,000 | 01/31/2002 | |||
27,600 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | NRCS | 10,000 | 01/01/2002 | |||
27,601 | CA‐BLM Research ‐ Horsethief Spring Site Characterization | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | BLM | 3,318 | 10/08/2001 | |||
27,602 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | BLM | 10,000 | 01/01/2001 | |||
27,603 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | USGS | 10,000 | 01/01/2001 | |||
27,604 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | USFS | 10,000 | 01/01/2001 | |||
27,605 | Great Basin CESU | University of Nevada-Reno | NPS | 10,000 | 01/01/2001 | |||
27,606 | Development of Part 645-Construction Inspection of the NRCS NEH | Oregon State University | NRCS | 80,500 | 06/26/1905 | |||
53,329 | Optimizing Management Towards Maximizing Brood Habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse | University of Nevada, Reno | Street, Phillip | USFWS | 30,000 | 11/01/2021 | 09/30/2023 | |
53,481 | Cedar Mountain Training Area Cultural Resource Inventory | Utah State University | Finley, Justin | DOD | 0 | 09/24/2019 | 09/23/2022 | |
53,482 | Paleoecological Reconstruction | University of Utah | Brunelle, Andrea | DOD | 0 | 05/15/2019 | 05/20/2021 | |
53,483 | Photo Database and Automation Algorithm | Brigham Young University | Larsen, Randy | DOD | 100,000 | 09/05/2020 | 09/04/2021 | |
53,484 | Raptors Monitoring and Management | Hawkwatch International | Slater, Steve | DOD | 72,601 | 09/17/2021 | 03/17/2023 | |
53,486 | INTEGRATING WILDFIRE RISK ANALYTICS INTO LAND AND FIRE MANAGEMENT TO MEET RESOURCE OBJECTIVES | Oregon State University | Bailey, John | USFS | 637,235 | 07/24/2019 | 07/30/2024 | |
53,487 | DEVELOPMENT OF ALGORITHM FOR FIREFIGHTER TRAVEL RATES AS FUNCTION OF ENVIRONMENT AND CREW FACTORS | University of Utah | Dennison, Philip | USFS | 298,016 | 09/04/2019 | 09/30/2024 | |
53,488 | DEVELOPING OUTCOME-BASED METRICS ON FUEL TREATMENTS FOR USE IN FIRE RISK ASSESSMENTS IN THE SAGEBRUSH BIOME | Oregon State University | Ellsworth, Lisa | USFS | 75,175 | 04/23/2020 | 09/30/2022 | |
53,489 | IDENTIFYING MECHANISMS OF NATIVE PLANT SUCCESS TO IMPROVE RESTORATION EFFORTS | Utah State University | Kulmatiski, Andrew | USFS | 123,972 | 05/22/2020 | 09/01/2023 | |
53,491 | REGIONAL MAPPING OF FOREST STRUCTURE AND FUEL ATTRIBUTES FROM LIDAR, LANDSAT TIME SERIES, AND FIA DATA | Oregon State University | Kennedy, Robert | USFS | 157,899 | 05/20/2020 | 09/30/2022 | |
53,492 | IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FOREST ROOT DISEASE PATHOGENS IN WESTERN USA USING DNA-BASED TOOLS | Oregon State University | Shaw, David | USFS | 25,000 | 06/18/2020 | 07/30/2023 | |
53,493 | BALSAM WOOLLY ADELGID RESEARCH | Utah State University | Alston, Diane | USFS | 245,200 | 07/15/2020 | 07/15/2025 | |
53,494 | SCENARIO PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND CASE STUDIES IN THE WESTERN US | Oregon State University | Chung, Woodam | USFS | 246,192 | 07/21/2020 | 06/30/2022 | |
53,495 | SAGESTEP TRAVEL/ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS | Oregon State University | Ellsworth, Lisa | USFS | 47,869 | 02/04/2021 | 12/31/2024 | |
53,496 | RE-MONITORING OF LONG-TERM GRAZING PADDOCKS AT THE DESERT EXPERIMENTAL RANGE | Brigham Young University | Flinders, Loreen Allphin | USFS | 15,107 | 07/01/2021 | 09/30/2022 | |
53,497 | GLOBAL CHANGE INTERACTIONS IN DRYLANDS | Brigham Young University | St. Clair, Sam | USFS | 13,000 | 08/31/2021 | 09/30/2025 | |
53,498 | ANALYSIS OF SNOW THERMAL DATA | Boise State University | Marshall, Hans P | USFS | 40,000 | 09/03/2021 | 09/30/2024 | |
54,363 | High Elevation Meadow Restoration Study | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Abella, Scott | NPS | 55,000 | 01/20/2022 | 12/31/2024 | |
59,434 | Bryce Canyon National Park Springs Biological Survey | Desert Research Institute | Umek, John | NPS | 12,058 | 07/01/2021 | 12/31/2022 | |
60,660 | Isotopic Analysis Applied to Arid Region Hydrological Investigations | University of Utah | Johnson, Cari | USGS | 20,000 | 01/17/2022 | 01/16/2023 | |
60,665 | Development and Delivery of a Prescribed Grazing Course | University of Nevada, Reno | Gibson, Yvette | NRCS | 13,500 | 09/29/2020 | 06/30/2022 | |
68,848 | Vegetation Monitoring at Tomales Point Tule Elk Reserve | University of Nevada, Reno | Cushman, Hall | NPS | 30,000 | 03/18/2022 | 12/31/2022 | |
∑ = 125,822,740 |