Glacier National Park Conservancy – Jerry O’Neal Research Fellowship
Sponsor Agency:GB CESU Partner Agency:
Applications are now being accepted for the Glacier National Park Conservancy – Jerry O’Neal Research Fellowship for work in Glacier National Park. The fellowship aims to provide educational assistance for students seeking to understand natural and cultural resources issues and how these interact with human values. Special consideration will be given to proposals that address the following:
- natural resource issues such as aquatic ecology, terrestrial ecology, fire ecology, invasive plants, and climate change
- cultural resource issues, such as history and architectural studies, cultural landscape reports, ethnographic research, and archeology
- social science that informs resource management about a natural or cultural topic and/or that addresses visitor impacts to park resources
Competition is open to graduate students or superior upper division undergraduate students at universities and colleges in the CESU Network. Applicants may request up to $7500. Applications must be submitted electronically by March 19, 2025. See details in the Application Directions
Grand Teton Wildlife Connectivity Modeling Postdoctoral Research Associate Position
Sponsor Agency: National Park ServiceGB CESU Partner Agency: University of Montana
Deadline: January 20, 2025 12:00 am
The University of Montana invites applications for a Grand Teton Wildlife Connectivity Modeling Postdoctoral Research Associate. This two-year postdoctoral project will be conducted through the Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit (U.S. Geological Survey) at the University of Montana (UM) in close collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS), including project partners at Grand Teton National Park (GRTE), the NPS Biological Resources Division, and the NPS Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network.
This is a 2 year position that will work closely with staff at Grand Teton NP, as well as the National Park Service Biological Resources Division and NPS Greater Yellowstone Inventory and Monitoring Network.
The park’s point of contact for this position is Yvette Converse (, Chief of Science and Resource Management at Grand Teton.
Graduate Student Funding- Research in Rocky Mountain National Park
Sponsor Agency: National Park ServiceGB CESU Partner Agency:
Deadline: February 16, 2025 12:00 am
Rocky Mountain National Park and Rocky Mountain Conservancy are currently accepting applications for the 2025 Bailey Research Fellowship. The Bailey Research Fellowship provides opportunities for highly qualified graduate students to conduct research in the park and communicate their work to the public.
The fellowship provides park housing, a living stipend, and support for research supplies and conference attendance. The goal of the fellowship is to support graduate student research that aids in park management and decision making.
Applications accepted through February 16, 2025.