

Contact Info

Institution: Utah State University, Senior Partner

Phone: (435) 797-2475

Address: 5230 Old Main Hill, Logan, Utah 84322-5230, US


Research Disciplines

  • Ecology

  • Restoration Ecology

  • Plant Ecology

  • Exotic Species

  • Native Species Conservation

  • Rangeland Ecology

  • TES plant species

Research Interests

Much of our research focuses on what factors limit the recruitment of new individuals to plant populations, whether they are rare species where we want to overcome limitations or invasive species where we would like to increase limitations. Since most limitation is in early stages this means we do a lot of work on pollination and seed production, seed dispersal, seed predation, germination and emergence, and early seedling life. Much of our work also focuses on the impacts of animals on plant success, both positive (e.g. pollination) and negative (e.g. herbivory).


A regional experiment to evaluate effects of fire and fire surrogate treatments in the sagebrush biome


Growing up in Florida running wild through the woods and wading through the swamps I always wanted to figure out how the natural world worked. And I am still trying. I am broadly trained as an ecologist with extremely broad interests. Because I couldn't figure out if I wanted to study plants or animals I started out working on plant-animal interactions, mostly from the perspective of how animals affect plant success. And that is still a major love. The first ten years of my research career were spent in the tropical forests of Ecuador, Panama, and Cost Rica, but a postdoctoral experience in Spain over 30 years ago changed my life -- in many ways. But a major way was to stimulate an interest in arid and semi-arid shrublands and woodlands, which is the systems I have been working in since. My initial training was as a basic evolutionary ecologist, but the opportunity of a job at Utah State gave me the chance to satisfy my basic ecological curiosity while getting the added benefit of seeing my work applied to real world problems. I can do both and I am quite happy.


  • 1987    Ph.D., Biology      University of Iowa
  • 1981     M.A., Zoology      University of South Florida
  • 1977     B.A., Biology         University of South Florida