Assistant Professor
Contact Info
Institution: Utah State University, Senior Partner
Phone: (406) 600-2369
Address: 1595 N 1600 E, Logan, Utah 84341, US
Research Disciplines
Behavioral Ecology
Conservation Ecology
Statistical Ecology
Wildlife Ecology
Exotic Diseases
Population Biology
Livestock and Wildlife interactions
Modeling and Simulation
Animal Behavior
Exotic wildlife diseases
Research Interests
Disease ecology, movement ecology, spatial-social interface, desert ecology, bighorn sheep, mule deer, moose, elk, mountain goats, guzzlers, mating systems, reproduction
- Refining core herd home range and movement estimates for desert bighorn sheep throughout Clark County, NV. (in collaboration with USGS-Western Ecological Research Center)
- Using ungulate movement to assess disease spillover risk in Montana. (in collaboration with USGS-Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center)
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Wildland Resources and Ecology Center at Utah State University. I hold an MS in statistics (Montana State University, 2009) and a PhD in biology (Pennsylvania State University, 2016), and I conducted post-doctoral research with the USGS and USDA. I have active research projects in Idaho, Washington, Montana, Utah, and Nevada, and collaborate closely with the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies' Wild Sheep Working Group. My research uses a combination of field, statistical modeling, and simulation/mathematical modeling approaches, and tends to focus on a) accurate predictions of wildlife movement dynamics in particular systems; or b) how those movement dynamics shape pathogen transmission and spillover risk.
- Ph.D., Biology, Pennsylvania State University (2016; advisor Dr. Peter Hudson, FRS)
- M.S., Statistics, Montana State University (2009; advisor Dr. Megan Higgs)
- B.A., Saint Olaf College (2006)