Contact Info
Institution: Utah State University, Senior Partner
Phone: (435) 797-1021
Address: 5230 Old Main Hill Department of Wildland Resources, Logan, Utah 84322, US
Research Disciplines
Research Interests
- Plant population and community ecology, especially in sagebrush steppe
- Ecological forecasting
- Effects of grazers on vegetation qw
- Coexistence and species diversity
I am currently a co-PI on a SERDP (DoD) project focused on understanding, and anticipating, interactive effects of drought and disturbance on hot and cold desert ecosystems.
I am a plant population and community ecologist at Utah State University, where I have worked since 2006. I have two main lines of research: 1) Applied research on the impacts of climate change on plant populations and communities, and 2) more basic research on mechanisms of coexistence and patterns of species diversity. Much of my research relies heavily on statistical and mathematical models. I often fit those models to long-term data sets, some stretching as far back as the early 1900's.
- PhD, Ecology, 2003, Colorado State University
- BA, Environmental Studies, 1994, Harvard College