
Stringham 250x175

Contact Info

Institution: University of Nevada, Reno

Phone: (775) 784-6755

Address: 1664 N. Virginia Street MS/202 Fleischmann Ag 102, Reno, Nevada 89557, US


Research Disciplines

  • Ecology

  • Ecosystem Services

  • Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems

  • Natural Resource Management

  • Restoration Ecology

  • Plant Communities

  • Rangeland Ecology

  • Grazing Management

  • Riparian Ecosystems

  • Wildfire Restoration

Research Interests

The Stringham Rangeland Ecology Lab strives to produce useful research and tools for managing rangeland and riparian resources in the Great Basin.  Specifically:

  1. Developing state and transition models for upland and riparian systems (reports available on lab website).
  2. Quantifying water availability and vegetation change in response to land management actions
  3. Understanding and improving sustainable grazing management
  4. Developing tools and conducting applied research for land managers
  5. Education program for wildland firefighters
  6. Mahogany response to pinyon-juniper removal
  7. Utilizing livestock as the agent for dispersing native seed on degraded rangelands
  8. Spatial state and transition modeling for management


State and Transition Modeling for Nevada, 2010 to-date.  Models have been developed for major land resource areas 23, 24, 25, 26, 28a and 28b.  Modeling efforts are ongoing in MLRA 29.  STMs are utilized by the Bureau of Land Management for resource planning efforts including fire rehabilitation, grazing permit renewals, fuel reduction treatments and much more.  Total area modeled to-date is approximately 32 million acres.


I’m a rangeland and riparian ecologist. I’ve worked, studied, performed research, and played in the cold desert ecosystems of the western United States and the temperate rangelands of the Pacific Northwest and Canada since 1984. The Great Basin is a place exemplified by extremes in elevation, climate, soils, and vegetation with long distances between gas stations and towns. Like the landscape, the people are hardy and interesting and have deep history of caring for the land. I am fascinated by the magnitude and diversity of this desert ecosystem and the challenges faced by both private and public land managers. I want to understand the ecology of this amazing place well enough to assist land managers by providing useful, science-based knowledge and tools for adaptive management.


  • 1996 PhD Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University
  • 1984 M.S. Agricultural Economics, Oregon State University
  • 1981 B.S. Economics, California State University, Chico