Assistant Professor; Director of Research
Contact Info
Institution: University of Idaho
Phone: (208) 364-4633
Address: 322 E. Front St Suite 242, Boise, Idaho 83702, US
Research Disciplines
Avian Ecology
Rangeland Ecology
Livestock and Wildlife interactions
Riparian Ecosystems
Research Interests
sagebrush steppe, grasslands, greater sage-grouse, habitat, habitat management, juniper, songbirds, small mammals, population ecology, community ecology, species interactions
- Johnson, T.N. and P. Coates. 2016-2021. Sage-grouse habitat use and demographic response to landscape dynamics. Bureau of Land Management.
- Johnson, T.N., D. Shinneman, T. Katzner, and D. Pilliod. 2016-2021. Multi-scale assessment of wildlife response after juniper removal in a sagebrush steppe landscape. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
My professional experience includes previous field-based, seasonal positions with Texas A&M University, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Point Reyes Bird Observatory, and Kansas State University conducting various fish and wildlife surveys. Outside of research experience I've gained through graduate school, I have conducted field-based surveys and habitat assessments for a private consulting firm (TTEC), as well as technical reviews of range management plans and impact studies of energy development on wildlife. As a postdoctoral researcher for the University of Wyoming, I investigated responses of wildlife in subalpine habitats to an ongoing bark beetle epidemic, evaluated effects of sage steppe restoration activities on songbird populations in Grand Teton National Park, and studied how habitat conversion and fragmentation from energy development influences interactions between breeding birds and their nest predators. Since 2016, I've been an Assistant Professor of Habitat Ecology in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences at University of Idaho, and since 2019 been Director of Research for Rinker Rock Creek Ranch, a biological research station managed by the University of Idaho.
I received a B.Sc. degree from Texas A&M University in Psychology, a M.Sc. degree from Kansas State University in Biology, and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University.